df_storyteller 0.3.0-development-2

Command line interface for Dwarf Fortress Legends
df_storyteller-0.3.0-development-2 is not a library.

DF Storyteller - Main CLI Documentation

This application is hosted on GitLab. If you have questions, join out Discord server.

These documentation pages are documenting the code itself. If you are looking for the API documentation, look here.

If you find any mistakes, typo's, bug, ... please report them here.

To download DF Storyteller or find outer links look on our website.


DF Storyteller is split up into different workspaces:

  • df_storyteller: TODO

  • df_st_cli: This is the start of the CLI (Command-line-interface) application. This has mostly to do with logging, error handling and the command line interface.

  • df_st_core: One of the most important workspaces as it includes all the structures that are returned via the API and the structure that is filled using the parser. This workspace also includes most of the structure documentation that is used to create the various documentation. Structures (structs) in this workspace should be changes with care as they are used by almost all other workspaces.

  • df_st_db: This workspace includes all the code and structures to store and query data from the database. It also include code to copy all the data from the database object to the Core structures.

  • df_st_derive: This is a special workspace it includes code for #\[derive()\] macros. Working on this workspace is not easy and you should only touch this if you know how procedural macros work. This is basically code that writes code during compile time.

  • df_st_guide: A guide to help you setup DF Storyteller. This workspace includes all the webpages for the guide.

  • df_st_api: This includes all the RESTfull and GraphQL API code and static pages. The documentation generation code for the APIs also live here.

  • df_st_legends: Everything to do with parsing the ...-legends.xml files. And changing this data into Core structures.

  • df_st_legends_plus: Everything to do with parsing the ...-legends_plus.xml files from DFHack and changing this data into Core structures.

  • df_st_world_history: Everything to do with parsing the ...-world_history.txt files. And changing this data into Core structures.

  • df_st_world_sites_and_pops: Everything to do with parsing the ...-world_sites_and_pops.txt files. And changing this data into Core structures.

  • df_st_parser: Code that interacts with all the parser workspaces (like df_st_legends) and handling of unknown data found in the parsed files.

  • df_st_updater: Code for checking for updates and deprecating old or unsafe versions.

  • df_st_image_maps: Everything to do with parsing the world map image files and converting them to png.

  • df_st_image_site_maps: Everything to do with parsing the site map image files and converting them to png.