dezoomify-rs 2.9.4

Allows downloading zoomable images. Supports several different formats such as zoomify, iiif, and deep zoom images.
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

use log::info;
use sanitize_filename_reader_friendly::sanitize;

use crate::{Vec2d, ZoomError};

pub fn reserve_output_file(path: &Path) -> Result<(), ZoomError> {

pub fn get_outname(
    outfile: &Option<PathBuf>,
    zoom_name: &Option<String>,
    base_dir: &Path,
    size: Option<Vec2d>,
) -> PathBuf {
    // An image can be encoded as JPEG only if both its dimensions can be encoded as u16
    let fits_in_jpg = size
        .map(|Vec2d { x, y }| u16::try_from(x.max(y)).is_ok());
    let extension = if fits_in_jpg == Some(true) { "jpg" } else { "png" };
    if let Some(path) = outfile {
        if let Some(forced_extension) = path.extension() {
            if fits_in_jpg == Some(false) && (forced_extension == "jpg" || forced_extension == "jpeg") {
                log::error!("This file is too large to be saved as JPEG")
        } else {
    } else {
        let base = zoom_name.as_ref()
            .map(|s| sanitize(s))
            .filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
            .unwrap_or_else(|| "dezoomified".into());
        let mut path = base_dir.join(base).with_extension(extension);

        // append a suffix (_1,_2,..) to `outname` if  the file already exists
        let filename = path.file_stem().map(OsString::from).unwrap_or_default();
        let ext = path.extension().map(OsString::from).unwrap_or_default();
        for i in 1.. {
            if !path.exists() { break; }
            info!("File {:?} already exists. Trying another file name...", &path);
            let mut name = OsString::from(&filename);
            name.push(&format!("_{:04}.", i));

mod tests {
    use std::env::{current_dir, set_current_dir};
    use std::error::Error;
    use std::fs::{File, remove_file};
    use std::path::Path;
    use std::sync::Mutex;

    use tempdir::TempDir;

    use super::*;

    fn in_tmp_dir<T, F: Fn(&Path) -> T>(f: F) -> T {
        lazy_static::lazy_static! {
            static ref CWD_MUTEX: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(());
        let tmp = tempdir::TempDir::new("dezoomify-rs-tests")
            .expect("Unable to create a temporary directory to run the tests in");
        let lock = CWD_MUTEX.lock().unwrap(); // prevents multiple threads from changing cwd at once
        let cwd = current_dir().expect("Unable to getcwd");
        set_current_dir(&tmp).expect(&format!("Unable to cd into {:?}", &tmp));
        let res = f(tmp.as_ref());
        set_current_dir(&cwd).expect(&format!("Unable to cd into {:?}", &cwd));

    fn assert_filename_ok(filename: &str) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
        let base_dir = TempDir::new("dezoomify-rs-test-filename")?;
        let outname = get_outname(&None, &Some(filename.to_string()), base_dir.as_ref(), None);
        assert!(!outname.exists(), "get_outname cannot overwrite {:?}", outname);
            .expect(&format!("Could not to create a file named {:?} for input {:?}", outname, filename));

    fn test_special_chars() {
        // See
        let filenames = vec![
            "? [Question Mark] Australian WWI Poster",
            "The Rocky Mountains, Lander's Peak",
            "\"Is It So Nominated in the Bond?\" (Scene from \"The Merchant of Venice\")",
            "", // test empty name
        for filename in filenames {
            assert_filename_ok(filename).expect(&format!("Invalid filename {}", filename))

    fn test_existing_file() {
        in_tmp_dir(|cwd| {
            let name = cwd.join("xxx");
            File::create(&name).expect("cannot create file");
            assert_filename_ok(&name.to_string_lossy()).expect("Invalid file name")

    fn switch_to_png_for_large_files() {
        let base_dir = TempDir::new("dezoomify-rs-test-png").unwrap();
        let base = |s| base_dir.as_ref().join(s);
        let tests = vec![
            // outfile, zoom_name, size, expected_result
            (None, Some("hello".to_string()), None, base("hello.png")),
            (None, Some("hello".to_string()), Some(Vec2d { x: 1000, y: 1000 }), base("hello.jpg"), ),
            (None, Some(String::new()), None, base("dezoomified.png"), ),
            (None, None, None, base("dezoomified.png")),
            (None, None, Some(Vec2d { x: 1000, y: 1000 }), base("dezoomified.jpg")),
            (Some("test.tiff".into()), Some("hello".to_string()), Some(Vec2d { x: 1000, y: 1000 }), "test.tiff".into()),
        for (outfile, zoom_name, size, expected_result) in tests.into_iter() {
            let outname = get_outname(&outfile, &zoom_name, base_dir.as_ref(), size);
            assert_eq!(outname, expected_result);