dezoomify-rs 2.0.0

Allows downloading zoomable images. Supports several different formats such as zoomify, iiif, and deep zoom images.
Thank you for downloading dezoomify-rs !

In the same directory as this file, you will find
another file called dezoomify-rs. It is a MacOS executable file.
To execute it :

 - Double-click on dezoomify-rs
 - A message will appear saying that the application cannot be verified.
   This is normal. This "verification" is in fact a tax that apple wants
   to impose on developers, and that I am not ready to pay for this free tool.
 - Open "System Preferences", then click "Security and privacy",
   and go to the "General" tab.
 - Near "dezoomify-rs was blocked", click "Allow Anyway"
 - Finally, double-click "dezoomify-rs" again.

A terminal window will open.
Follow the instructions in it to download your image.

For more information, see:

If you encounter issues, please let me know on: