dex 0.2.1

Rust library for parsing dex files


Dex is a parser for Android's Dex format written completely in Rust.

Most of the functionality to access the data structures in the file is implemented but has not been thoroughly tested yet. I plan to write more unit tests, integration tests soon.


Add to your Cargo.toml:

dex = "0.1.0"


The primary source of documentation for dex format is Android website. Most of the public structs, and methods in this crate have the same names. There are a few examples here to get you started.

Development Notes

  • The library makes use of mmap to access the file contents.
  • scroll is used to parse binary data.


All contributions are welcome! Feel free to raise issues/PRs on Github if you find a bug, have a question or think something can be improved!

There's a TODO list here