devolutions-crypto 0.8.0

An abstraction layer for the cryptography used by Devolutions

//! FFI interface for use with other languages. Mostly used for C and C#.
//! # Safety
//! Note that this API is unsafe by nature: Rust can do a couple of check but cannot garantee
//!     the received pointers are valid. It is the job of the calling language to verify it passes
//!     the right pointers and length.
//! The Size functions must be called to get the required length of the returned array before
//!     calling it.

use super::utils;
use super::Argon2Parameters;
use super::DataType;
use super::Error;

use super::ciphertext::{encrypt, encrypt_asymmetric, Ciphertext, CiphertextVersion};
use super::key::{
    derive_keypair, generate_keypair, mix_key_exchange, KeyVersion, PrivateKey, PublicKey,
use super::password_hash::{hash_password, PasswordHash, PasswordHashVersion};
use super::secret_sharing::{generate_shared_key, join_shares, SecretSharingVersion, Share};
use super::{
    signature::{Signature, SignatureVersion},
use super::{
    signing_key::{SigningKeyPair, SigningKeyVersion, SigningPublicKey},

use super::Result;

use std::convert::TryFrom as _;
use std::slice;

use zeroize::Zeroize as _;

use base64::{decode_config_slice, encode_config_slice, STANDARD};

const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");

/// Encrypt a data blob
/// # Arguments
///  * `data` - Pointer to the data to encrypt.
///  * `data_length` - Length of the data to encrypt.
///  * `key` - Pointer to the key to use to encrypt.
///  * `key_length` - Length of the key to use to encrypt.
///  * `result` - Pointer to the buffer to write the ciphertext to.
///  * `result_length` - Length of the buffer to write the ciphertext to. You can get the value by
///                         calling EncryptSize() beforehand.
///  * `version` - Version to use. Use 0 for the latest one.
/// # Returns
/// This returns the length of the ciphertext. If there is an error, it will return the
///     appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Encrypt(
    data: *const u8,
    data_length: usize,
    key: *const u8,
    key_length: usize,
    result: *mut u8,
    result_length: usize,
    version: u16,
) -> i64 {
    if data.is_null() || key.is_null() || result.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    if result_length != EncryptSize(data_length, version) as usize {
        return Error::InvalidOutputLength.error_code();

    let data = slice::from_raw_parts(data, data_length);
    let key = slice::from_raw_parts(key, key_length);
    let result = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result, result_length);

    let version = match CiphertextVersion::try_from(version) {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(_) => return Error::UnknownVersion.error_code(),

    match encrypt(data, key, version) {
        Ok(res) => {
            let mut res: Vec<u8> = res.into();
            let length = res.len();
            length as i64
        Err(e) => e.error_code(),

/// Encrypt a data blob
/// # Arguments
///  * `data` - Pointer to the data to encrypt.
///  * `data_length` - Length of the data to encrypt.
///  * `public_key` - Pointer to the public key to use to encrypt.
///  * `public_key_length` - Length of the public key to use to encrypt.
///  * `result` - Pointer to the buffer to write the ciphertext to.
///  * `result_length` - Length of the buffer to write the ciphertext to. You can get the value by
///                         calling EncryptAsymmetricSize() beforehand.
///  * `version` - Version to use. Use 0 for the latest one.
/// # Returns
/// This returns the length of the asymmetric ciphertext. If there is an error, it will return the
///     appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn EncryptAsymmetric(
    data: *const u8,
    data_length: usize,
    public_key: *const u8,
    public_key_length: usize,
    result: *mut u8,
    result_length: usize,
    version: u16,
) -> i64 {
    if data.is_null() || public_key.is_null() || result.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    if result_length != EncryptAsymmetricSize(data_length, version) as usize {
        return Error::InvalidOutputLength.error_code();

    let data = slice::from_raw_parts(data, data_length);
    let public_key = PublicKey::try_from(slice::from_raw_parts(public_key, public_key_length));

    match public_key {
        Ok(public_key) => {
            let result = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result, result_length);

            let version = match CiphertextVersion::try_from(version) {
                Ok(v) => v,
                Err(_) => return Error::UnknownVersion.error_code(),

            match encrypt_asymmetric(data, &public_key, version) {
                Ok(res) => {
                    let mut res: Vec<u8> = res.into();
                    let length = res.len();

                    length as i64
                Err(e) => e.error_code(),
        Err(e) => e.error_code(),

/// Get the size of the resulting ciphertext.
/// # Arguments
///  * data_length - Length of the plaintext.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the length of the ciphertext to input as `result_length` in `Encrypt()`.
pub extern "C" fn EncryptSize(data_length: usize, version: u16) -> i64 {
    match version {
        1 => {
            (8 + 16 + (data_length / 16 + 1) * 16 + 32) as i64 // Header + IV + data(padded to 16) + HMAC
        0 | 2 => {
            (8 + 24 + data_length + 16) as i64 // Header + nonce + data + Poly1305 tag
        _ => Error::UnknownVersion.error_code(),

/// Get the size of the resulting asymmetric ciphertext.
/// # Arguments
///  * data_length - Length of the plaintext.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the length of the asymmetric ciphertext to input as `result_length` in `EncryptAsymmetric()`.
pub extern "C" fn EncryptAsymmetricSize(data_length: usize, version: u16) -> i64 {
    match version {
        0 | 2 => {
            (8 + 32 + 24 + data_length + 16) as i64 // Header + public_key + nonce + data + Poly1305 tag
        _ => Error::UnknownVersion.error_code(),

/// Decrypt a data blob
/// # Arguments
///  * `data` - Pointer to the data to decrypt.
///  * `data_length` - Length of the data to decrypt.
///  * `key` - Pointer to the key to use to decrypt.
///  * `key_length` - Length of the key to use to decrypt.
///  * `result` - Pointer to the buffer to write the plaintext to.
///  * `result_length` - Length of the buffer to write the plaintext to.
///                     The safest size is the same size as the ciphertext.
/// # Returns
/// This returns the length of the plaintext. If there is an error, it will return the
///     appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Decrypt(
    data: *const u8,
    data_length: usize,
    key: *const u8,
    key_length: usize,
    result: *mut u8,
    result_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if data.is_null() || key.is_null() || result.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let data = slice::from_raw_parts(data, data_length);
    let key = slice::from_raw_parts(key, key_length);
    let result = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result, result_length);

    match Ciphertext::try_from(data) {
        Ok(res) => match res.decrypt(key) {
            Ok(mut res) => {
                if result.len() >= res.len() {
                    let length = res.len();
                    length as i64
                } else {
            Err(e) => e.error_code(),
        Err(e) => e.error_code(),

/// Decrypt a data blob
/// # Arguments
///  * `data` - Pointer to the data to decrypt.
///  * `data_length` - Length of the data to decrypt.
///  * `private_key` - Pointer to the private key to use to decrypt.
///  * `private_key_length` - Length of the private key to use to decrypt.
///  * `result` - Pointer to the buffer to write the plaintext to.
///  * `result_length` - Length of the buffer to write the plaintext to.
///                     The safest size is the same size as the ciphertext.
/// # Returns
/// This returns the length of the plaintext. If there is an error, it will return the
///     appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn DecryptAsymmetric(
    data: *const u8,
    data_length: usize,
    private_key: *const u8,
    private_key_length: usize,
    result: *mut u8,
    result_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if data.is_null() || private_key.is_null() || result.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let data = slice::from_raw_parts(data, data_length);
    let private_key = PrivateKey::try_from(slice::from_raw_parts(private_key, private_key_length));

    match private_key {
        Ok(private_key) => {
            let result = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result, result_length);

            match Ciphertext::try_from(data) {
                Ok(res) => match res.decrypt_asymmetric(&private_key) {
                    Ok(mut res) => {
                        if result.len() >= res.len() {
                            let length = res.len();
                            length as i64
                        } else {
                    Err(e) => e.error_code(),
                Err(e) => e.error_code(),
        Err(e) => e.error_code(),

/// Sign data using a keypair to certify its authenticity.
/// # Arguments
///  * `data` - Pointer to the data to sign.
///  * `data_length` - Length of the data to sign.
///  * `keypair` - pointer to the keypair to use to sign the data.
///  * `keypair_length` - Length of the keypair to use to sign the data.
///  * `result` - Pointer to the buffer to write the signature to.
///  * `result_length` - Length of the buffer to write the signature to. You can get the value by
///                         calling SignSize() beforehand.
/// # Returns
/// This returns 0 if the operation worked. If there is an error, it will return the
///     appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Sign(
    data: *const u8,
    data_length: usize,
    keypair: *const u8,
    keypair_length: usize,
    result: *mut u8,
    result_length: usize,
    version: u16,
) -> i64 {
    if data.is_null() || keypair.is_null() || result.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    if result_length != SignSize(version) as usize {
        return Error::InvalidOutputLength.error_code();

    let data = slice::from_raw_parts(data, data_length);
    let keypair = slice::from_raw_parts(keypair, keypair_length);
    let result = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result, result_length);

    match SigningKeyPair::try_from(keypair) {
        Ok(keypair) => {
            let version = match SignatureVersion::try_from(version) {
                Ok(v) => v,
                Err(_) => return Error::UnknownVersion.error_code(),

            let signature: Vec<u8> = signature::sign(data, &keypair, version).into();


        Err(e) => e.error_code(),

/// Verify some data using a signature and the corresponding public key.
/// # Arguments
///  * `data` - Pointer to the data to verify.
///  * `data_length` - Length of the data to verify.
///  * `public_key` - Pointer to the public part of the keypair that was used to sign the data.
///  * `public_key` - Length of the public part of the keypair that was used to sign the data.
///  * `signature` - Pointer to the signature to verify.
///  * `signature_length` - Length of the signature to verify.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the data, the signature or the public key is invalid or 1 if everything is valid. If there is an error,
///     it will return the appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn VerifySignature(
    data: *const u8,
    data_length: usize,
    public_key: *const u8,
    public_key_length: usize,
    signature: *const u8,
    signature_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if data.is_null() || public_key.is_null() || signature.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let data = slice::from_raw_parts(data, data_length);
    let public_key = slice::from_raw_parts(public_key, public_key_length);
    let signature = slice::from_raw_parts(signature, signature_length);

    match SigningPublicKey::try_from(public_key) {
        Ok(public_key) => match Signature::try_from(signature) {
            Ok(signature) => {
                if signature.verify(data, &public_key) {
                } else {
            Err(e) => e.error_code(),
        Err(e) => e.error_code(),

/// Get the size of the resulting signature.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the length of the signature to input as `result_length` in `Sign()`.
pub extern "C" fn SignSize(_version: u16) -> i64 {
    8 + 64 // header + signature

/// Hash a password using a high-cost algorithm.
/// # Arguments
///  * `password` - Pointer to the password to hash.
///  * `password_length` - Length of the password to hash.
///  * `iterations` - Number of iterations of the password hash.
///                   A higher number is slower but harder to brute-force. The recommended is 10000,
///                   but the number can be set by the user.
///  * `result` - Pointer to the buffer to write the hash to.
///  * `result_length` - Length of the buffer to write the hash to. You can get the value by
///                         calling HashPasswordLength() beforehand.
/// # Returns
/// This returns the length of the hash. If there is an error, it will return the
///     appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn HashPassword(
    password: *const u8,
    password_length: usize,
    iterations: u32,
    result: *mut u8,
    result_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if password.is_null() || result.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    if result_length != HashPasswordLength() as usize {
        return Error::InvalidOutputLength.error_code();

    let password = slice::from_raw_parts(password, password_length);
    let result = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result, result_length);

    let mut res: Vec<u8> = hash_password(password, iterations, PasswordHashVersion::Latest).into();
    let length = res.len();
    length as i64

/// Get the size of the resulting hash.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the length of the hash to input as `result_length` in `HashPassword()`.
pub extern "C" fn HashPasswordLength() -> i64 {
    8 + 4 + 32 + 32 // Header + iterations + salt + hash

/// Verify a password against a hash with constant-time equality.
/// # Arguments
///  * `password` - Pointer to the password to verify.
///  * `password_length` - Length of the password to verify.
///  * `hash` - Pointer to the hash to verify.
///  * `hash_length` - Length of the hash to verify.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the password is invalid or 1 if the password is valid. If there is an error,
///     it will return the appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn VerifyPassword(
    password: *const u8,
    password_length: usize,
    hash: *const u8,
    hash_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if password.is_null() || hash.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let password = slice::from_raw_parts(password, password_length);
    let hash = slice::from_raw_parts(hash, hash_length);

    match PasswordHash::try_from(hash) {
        Ok(res) => {
            if res.verify_password(password) {
            } else {
        Err(e) => e.error_code(),

/// Generate a key pair to perform a key exchange. Must be used with MixKey()
/// # Arguments
///  * `private` - Pointer to the buffer to write the private key to.
///  * `private_length` - Length of the buffer to write the private key to.
///                         You can get the value by calling `GenerateKeyPairSize()` beforehand.
///  * `public` - Pointer to the buffer to write the public key to.
///  * `public_length` - Length of the buffer to write the public key to.
///                         You can get the value by calling `GenerateKeyPairSize()` beforehand.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the generation worked. If there is an error,
///     it will return the appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn GenerateKeyPair(
    private: *mut u8,
    private_length: usize,
    public: *mut u8,
    public_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if private.is_null() || public.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    if private_length != GenerateKeyPairSize() as usize
        || public_length != GenerateKeyPairSize() as usize
        return Error::InvalidOutputLength.error_code();

    let private = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(private, private_length);
    let public = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(public, public_length);

    let keypair = generate_keypair(KeyVersion::Latest);
    let mut priv_res: Vec<u8> = keypair.private_key.into();
    let mut pub_res: Vec<u8> = keypair.public_key.into();

/// Generate a key pair to sign and verify data with.
/// # Arguments
///  * `keypair` - Pointer to the buffer to write the keypair to.
///  * `keypair_length` - Length of the buffer to write the keypair to.
///                         You can get the value by calling `GenerateSigningKeyPairSize()` beforehand.
///  * `version` - Version to use. Use 0 for the latest one.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the generation worked. If there is an error,
///     it will return the appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn GenerateSigningKeyPair(
    keypair: *mut u8,
    keypair_length: usize,
    version: u16,
) -> i64 {
    if keypair.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    if keypair_length != GenerateSigningKeyPairSize(version) as usize {
        return Error::InvalidOutputLength.error_code();

    let keypair = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(keypair, keypair_length);

    let version = match SigningKeyVersion::try_from(version) {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(_) => return Error::UnknownVersion.error_code(),

    let generated_keypair = signing_key::generate_signing_keypair(version);

    let mut keypair_bytes: Vec<u8> = generated_keypair.into();



/// Get the public part of a keypair used to sign data.
/// # Arguments
///  * `keypair` - Pointer to the buffer containing the keypair.
///  * `keypair_length` - Length of the buffer containing the keypair.
///  * `public` - Pointer to the buffer to write the public key to.
///  * `public_length` - Length of the buffer to write the public key to.
///                         You can get the value by calling `GetSigningPublicKeySize()` beforehand.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn GetSigningPublicKey(
    keypair: *const u8,
    keypair_length: usize,
    public: *mut u8,
    public_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if keypair.is_null() || public.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    if public_length != GetSigningPublicKeySize(keypair, keypair_length) as usize {
        return Error::InvalidOutputLength.error_code();

    let keypair = slice::from_raw_parts(keypair, keypair_length);
    let public = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(public, public_length);

    let keypair = SigningKeyPair::try_from(keypair);
    match keypair {
        Ok(keypair) => {
            let public_key: Vec<u8> = keypair.get_public_key().into();

        Err(e) => e.error_code(),

/// Get the size of the keys in the key exchange key pair.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the length of the keys to input as `private_length`
///     and `public_length` in `GenerateKeyPair()`.
pub extern "C" fn GenerateKeyPairSize() -> i64 {
    8 + 32 // header + key length

/// Get the size of the keypair used for signing.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the length of the keypair to input as `keypair_length`
///   in `GenerateSigningKeyPair()`.
pub extern "C" fn GenerateSigningKeyPairSize(_version: u16) -> i64 {
    8 + 64 // header + keypair length

/// Get the size of the public key used for signing.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the length of the public key to input as `public_length`
///   in `GetSigningPublicKey()`.
pub extern "C" fn GetSigningPublicKeySize(_keypair: *const u8, _keypair_length: usize) -> i64 {
    8 + 32 // header + public key length

/// Get the size of the keys in the derived key pair.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the length of the keys to input as `private_length`
///     and `public_length` in `DeriveKeyPair()`.
pub extern "C" fn DeriveKeyPairSize() -> i64 {

/// Performs a key exchange.
/// # Arguments
///  * `private` - Pointer to the buffer containing the private key.
///  * `private_length` - Length of the buffer containing the private key.
///  * `public` - Pointer to the buffer containing the public key.
///  * `public_length` - Length of the buffer containing the public key.
///  * `shared` - Pointer to the buffer to write the resulting shared key.
///  * `shared_size` - Length of the buffer containing the shared key.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the key exchange worked. If there is an error,
///     it will return the appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn MixKeyExchange(
    private: *const u8,
    private_size: usize,
    public: *const u8,
    public_size: usize,
    shared: *mut u8,
    shared_size: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if private.is_null() || public.is_null() || shared.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    if shared_size != MixKeyExchangeSize() as usize {
        return Error::InvalidOutputLength.error_code();

    let public = slice::from_raw_parts(public, public_size);
    let private = slice::from_raw_parts(private, private_size);
    let shared = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(shared, shared_size);

    match (PrivateKey::try_from(private), PublicKey::try_from(public)) {
        (Ok(private), Ok(public)) => match mix_key_exchange(&private, &public) {
            Ok(mut res) => {
            Err(e) => e.error_code(),
        (Ok(_), Err(e)) => e.error_code(),
        (Err(e), Ok(_)) => e.error_code(),
        (Err(e), Err(_)) => e.error_code(),

/// Get the size of the keys in the key exchange key pair.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the length of the keys to input as `shared_length` in `MixKeyExchange()`.
pub extern "C" fn MixKeyExchangeSize() -> i64 {

/// Generates a secret key shared amongst multiple actor.
/// # Arguments
///  * n_shares - The number of shares to generate.
///  * threshold - The number of shares required to regenerate the secret.
///  * length - The length of the generated secret
///  * shares - The output buffers. This is a 2-dimensionnal array representing the shares.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the operation is successful. If there is an error,
///     it will return the appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn GenerateSharedKey(
    n_shares: u8,
    threshold: u8,
    length: usize,
    shares: *const *mut u8,
) -> i64 {
    if shares.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    match generate_shared_key(n_shares, threshold, length, SecretSharingVersion::Latest) {
        Ok(s) => {
            let shares = slice::from_raw_parts(shares, n_shares as usize);

            for (s, res_s) in s.into_iter().zip(shares) {
                if res_s.is_null() {
                    return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

                let s: Vec<u8> = s.into();
                let res_s =
                    slice::from_raw_parts_mut(*res_s, GenerateSharedKeySize(length) as usize);
        Err(e) => e.error_code(),

/// The size, in bytes, of each resulting shares
/// # Arguments
///  * secret_length - The length of the desired secret
/// # Returns
/// Returns the size, in bytes, of each resulting shares.
pub extern "C" fn GenerateSharedKeySize(secret_length: usize) -> i64 {
    (secret_length + 10) as i64

/// Join multiple shares to regenerate a shared secret.
/// # Arguments
///  * n_shares - The number of shares sent to the method
///  * share_length - The length of each share
///  * shares - The shares to join
///  * secret - The output buffer to write the shared secret to.
///  * secret_length - The length of the output buffer. Get the value with JoinSharesSize.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the operation is successful. If there is an error,
///     it will return the appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn JoinShares(
    n_shares: usize,
    share_length: usize,
    shares: *const *const u8,
    secret: *mut u8,
    secret_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if shares.is_null() || secret.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    if secret_length != JoinSharesSize(share_length) as usize {
        return Error::InvalidOutputLength.error_code();

    let shares: Result<Vec<Share>> = slice::from_raw_parts(shares, n_shares)
        .map(|s| Share::try_from(slice::from_raw_parts(*s, share_length)))

    match shares {
        Ok(shares) => match join_shares(&shares) {
            Ok(s) => {
                let secret = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(secret, secret_length);
            Err(e) => e.error_code(),
        Err(e) => e.error_code(),

/// The size, in bytes, of the resulting secret
/// # Arguments
///  * share_length - The length of a share
/// # Returns
/// Returns the size, in bytes, of each resulting secret.
pub extern "C" fn JoinSharesSize(share_length: usize) -> i64 {
    (share_length - 10) as i64

/// Generate a key using a CSPRNG.
/// # Arguments
///  * key - Pointer to the buffer to fill with random values.
///  * key_length - Length of the buffer to fill.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the operation is successful. If there is an error,
///     it will return the appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn GenerateKey(key: *mut u8, key_length: usize) -> i64 {
    if key.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let key = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(key, key_length);

    let mut k = utils::generate_key(key_length);

/// Derive a key with Argon2 to create a new one. Can be used with a password.
/// # Arguments
///  * key - Pointer to the key to derive.
///  * key_length - Length of the key to derive.
///  * argon2_parameters - Pointer to the buffer containing the argon2 parameters.
///  * argon2_parameters_length - Length of the argon2 parameters to use.
///  * result - Pointer to the buffer to write the new key to.
///  * result_length - Length of buffer to write the key to.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the operation is successful. If there is an error,
///     it will return the appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn DeriveKeyArgon2(
    key: *const u8,
    key_length: usize,
    argon2_parameters: *const u8,
    argon2_parameters_length: usize,
    result: *mut u8,
    result_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if key.is_null() || result.is_null() || argon2_parameters.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let key = slice::from_raw_parts(key, key_length);

    let argon2_parameters_raw = slice::from_raw_parts(argon2_parameters, argon2_parameters_length);

    let argon2_parameters = match Argon2Parameters::try_from(argon2_parameters_raw) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(e) => return e.error_code(),

    let mut native_result = match utils::derive_key_argon2(&key, &argon2_parameters) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(e) => return e.error_code(),

    let result = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result, result_length);


/// Derive a key with PBKDF2 to create a new one. Can be used with a password.
/// # Arguments
///  * key - Pointer to the key to derive.
///  * key_length - Length of the key to derive.
///  * salt - Pointer to the buffer containing the salt. Can be null.
///  * salt_length - Length of the salt to use.
///  * result - Pointer to the buffer to write the new key to.
///  * result_length - Length of buffer to write the key to.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the operation is successful. If there is an error,
///     it will return the appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn DeriveKeyPbkdf2(
    key: *const u8,
    key_length: usize,
    salt: *const u8,
    salt_length: usize,
    niterations: u32,
    result: *mut u8,
    result_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if key.is_null() || result.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let salt = if salt.is_null() || salt_length == 0 {
    } else {
        slice::from_raw_parts(salt, salt_length)

    let key = slice::from_raw_parts(key, key_length);
    let result = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result, result_length);

    let mut native_result = utils::derive_key_pbkdf2(&key, &salt, niterations, result_length);

/// Validate if the header of the data is valid and consistant.
/// # Arguments
///  * `data` - Pointer to the input buffer.
///  * `data_length` - Length of the input buffer.
///  * `data_type` - Type of the data.
/// # Returns
/// 1 if the header is valid, 0 if it's not, and a negative value if there is an error.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn ValidateHeader(
    data: *const u8,
    data_length: usize,
    data_type: u16,
) -> i64 {
    if data.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let data = slice::from_raw_parts(data, data_length);

    match DataType::try_from(data_type) {
        Ok(t) => {
            if utils::validate_header(data, t) {
            } else {
        Err(_) => Error::UnknownType.error_code(),

/// This is binded here for one specific use case, do not use it if you don't know what you're doing.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn ScryptSimple(
    password: *const u8,
    password_length: usize,
    salt: *const u8,
    salt_length: usize,
    log_n: u8,
    r: u32,
    p: u32,
    output: *mut u8,
    output_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if password.is_null() && salt.is_null() && output.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let password = slice::from_raw_parts(password, password_length);
    let salt = slice::from_raw_parts(salt, salt_length);

    let hash = utils::scrypt_simple(password, salt, log_n, r, p);

    let output = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(output, output_length);
    hash.len() as i64

/// This is binded here for one specific use case, do not use it if you don't know what you're doing.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn ScryptSimpleSize() -> i64 {

/// Get the default Argon2Parameters struct values.
/// # Arguments
///  * argon2_parameters - Pointer to the output buffer.
///  * argon2_parameters_length - Length of the output buffer.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn GetDefaultArgon2Parameters(
    argon2_parameters: *mut u8,
    argon2_parameters_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    let argon2_parameters = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(argon2_parameters, argon2_parameters_length);

    let argon2_parameters_raw: Vec<u8> = Argon2Parameters::default().into();

/// Size of the Argon2Parameters struct.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
pub extern "C" fn GetDefaultArgon2ParametersSize() -> i64 {
    // Length is calculated this way:
    // 5 * u32 + 2 * u8(enums) + 2 * u32(lengths) + 2 * vec.len();
    // In case of default parameters AssociatedData is of length 0 and Salt length is 16.

/// Derives a key pair from a password.
/// # Arguments
///  * password - Pointer to the password to derive.
///  * password_length - Length of the password to derive.
///  * parameters - Pointer to the argon2 parameters used for the derivation.
///  * parameters_length - Length of the argon2 parameters used for the derivation.
///  * private_key - Pointer to the resulting private key buffer.
///  * private_key_length - Length of the private key output buffer.
///  * public_key - Pointer to the resulting public key buffer.
///  * public_key_length - Length of the public key output buffer.
/// # Returns
/// Returns 0 if the operation is successful. If there is an error,
///     it will return the appropriate error code defined in DevoCryptoError.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn DeriveKeyPair(
    password: *const u8,
    password_length: usize,
    parameters: *const u8,
    parameters_length: usize,
    private_key: *mut u8,
    private_key_length: usize,
    public_key: *mut u8,
    public_key_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if password.is_null() || parameters.is_null() || private_key.is_null() || public_key.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    if private_key_length != DeriveKeyPairSize() as usize
        || public_key_length != DeriveKeyPairSize() as usize
        return Error::InvalidOutputLength.error_code();

    let password = slice::from_raw_parts(password, password_length);
    let private_key = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(private_key, private_key_length);
    let public_key = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(public_key, public_key_length);

    let parameters =
        Argon2Parameters::try_from(slice::from_raw_parts(parameters, parameters_length));

    let parameters = match parameters {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(e) => return e.error_code(),

    match derive_keypair(password, &parameters, KeyVersion::Latest) {
        Ok(keypair) => {
            let private: Vec<u8> = keypair.private_key.into();
            let public: Vec<u8> = keypair.public_key.into();
        Err(e) => e.error_code(),

///  Size, in bits, of the key used for the current Encrypt() implementation.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the size, in bits, of the key used fot the current Encrypt() implementation.
pub extern "C" fn KeySize() -> u32 {

/// Decode a base64 string to bytes.
/// # Arguments
///  * input - Pointer to the string to decode.
///  * input_length - Length of the string to decode.
///  * output - Pointer to the output buffer.
///  * output_length - Length of the output buffer.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the size of the decoded string.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Decode(
    input: *const u8,
    input_length: usize,
    output: *mut u8,
    output_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if input.is_null() || output.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let input = std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(slice::from_raw_parts(input, input_length));
    let mut output = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(output, output_length);

    match decode_config_slice(&input, STANDARD, &mut output) {
        Ok(res) => res as i64,
        Err(_e) => -1,

/// Encode a byte array to a base64 string.
/// # Arguments
///  * input - Pointer to the buffer to encode.
///  * input_length - Length of the buffer to encode.
///  * output - Pointer to the output buffer.
///  * output_length - Length of the output buffer.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the size, in bytes, of the output buffer.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Encode(
    input: *const u8,
    input_length: usize,
    output: *mut u8,
    output_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if input.is_null() || output.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let input = slice::from_raw_parts(input, input_length);
    let mut output = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(output, output_length);

    encode_config_slice(&input, STANDARD, &mut output) as i64

/// Decode a base64 string to bytes using base64url.
/// # Arguments
///  * input - Pointer to the string to decode.
///  * input_length - Length of the string to decode.
///  * output - Pointer to the output buffer.
///  * output_length - Length of the output buffer.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the size of the decoded string.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn DecodeUrl(
    input: *const u8,
    input_length: usize,
    output: *mut u8,
    output_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if input.is_null() || output.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let input = std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(slice::from_raw_parts(input, input_length));
    let mut output = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(output, output_length);

    let config = base64::Config::new(base64::CharacterSet::UrlSafe, false);

    match decode_config_slice(&input, config, &mut output) {
        Ok(res) => res as i64,
        Err(_e) => -1,

/// Encode a byte array to a base64 string using base64url.
/// # Arguments
///  * input - Pointer to the buffer to encode.
///  * input_length - Length of the buffer to encode.
///  * output - Pointer to the output buffer.
///  * output_length - Length of the output buffer.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the size, in bytes, of the output buffer.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn EncodeUrl(
    input: *const u8,
    input_length: usize,
    output: *mut u8,
    output_length: usize,
) -> i64 {
    if input.is_null() || output.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let input = slice::from_raw_parts(input, input_length);
    let mut output = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(output, output_length);

    let config = base64::Config::new(base64::CharacterSet::UrlSafe, false);

    encode_config_slice(&input, config, &mut output) as i64

///  Size of the version string
/// # Returns
/// Returns the size of the version string
pub extern "C" fn VersionSize() -> i64 {
    VERSION.len() as i64

///  Fill the output buffer with the version string
/// # Arguments
///  * output - Pointer to the output buffer.
///  * output_length - Length of the output buffer.
/// # Returns
/// Returns the size, in bytes, of the output buffer.
/// # Safety
/// This method is made to be called by C, so it is therefore unsafe. The caller should make sure it passes the right pointers and sizes.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Version(output: *mut u8, output_length: usize) -> i64 {
    if output.is_null() {
        return Error::NullPointer.error_code();

    let output = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(output, output_length);

    output.len() as i64

fn test_encrypt_length() {
    let key = b"supersecret";
    let length_zero = b"";
    let length_one_block = b"hello";
    let one_full_block = b"0123456789abcdef";
    let multiple_blocks = b"0123456789abcdefghijkl";

    let length_zero_enc: Vec<u8> = encrypt(length_zero, key, CiphertextVersion::Latest)
    let length_one_block_enc: Vec<u8> = encrypt(length_one_block, key, CiphertextVersion::Latest)
    let one_full_block_enc: Vec<u8> = encrypt(one_full_block, key, CiphertextVersion::Latest)
    let multiple_blocks_enc: Vec<u8> = encrypt(multiple_blocks, key, CiphertextVersion::Latest)

        length_zero_enc.len() as i64,
        EncryptSize(length_zero.len(), 0)
        length_one_block_enc.len() as i64,
        EncryptSize(length_one_block.len(), 0)
        one_full_block_enc.len() as i64,
        EncryptSize(one_full_block.len(), 0)
        multiple_blocks_enc.len() as i64,
        EncryptSize(multiple_blocks.len(), 0)

fn test_hash_password_length() {
    let small_password = b"pass";
    let long_password = b"this is a very long and complicated password that is, I hope,\
     longer than the length of the actual hash. It also contains we1rd pa$$w0rd///s.\\";

    let small_password_hash: Vec<u8> =
        hash_password(small_password, 100, PasswordHashVersion::Latest).into();
    let long_password_hash: Vec<u8> =
        hash_password(long_password, 2642, PasswordHashVersion::Latest).into();

    assert_eq!(HashPasswordLength() as usize, small_password_hash.len());
    assert_eq!(HashPasswordLength() as usize, long_password_hash.len());

fn test_key_exchange_length() {
    let bob_keypair = generate_keypair(KeyVersion::Latest);
    let alice_keypair = generate_keypair(KeyVersion::Latest);

    let private_bob: Vec<u8> = bob_keypair.private_key.into();
    let public_bob: Vec<u8> = bob_keypair.public_key.into();

    assert_eq!(GenerateKeyPairSize() as usize, private_bob.len());
    assert_eq!(GenerateKeyPairSize() as usize, public_bob.len());

    let private_bob = PrivateKey::try_from(private_bob.as_slice()).unwrap();
    let public_bob = PublicKey::try_from(public_bob.as_slice()).unwrap();

    let shared_bob = mix_key_exchange(&private_bob, &alice_keypair.public_key).unwrap();
    let shared_alice = mix_key_exchange(&alice_keypair.private_key, &public_bob).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(MixKeyExchangeSize() as usize, shared_bob.len());
    assert_eq!(MixKeyExchangeSize() as usize, shared_alice.len());

fn test_get_default_argon2parameters_size() {
    assert_eq!(GetDefaultArgon2ParametersSize(), 46);

fn test_get_default_argon2parameters() {
    let mut argon2_parameters_vec: Vec<u8> = vec![0u8; GetDefaultArgon2ParametersSize() as usize];
    let argon2_parameters_raw = argon2_parameters_vec.as_mut_ptr();

    unsafe {
        let result = GetDefaultArgon2Parameters(
            GetDefaultArgon2ParametersSize() as usize,
        assert_eq!(result, 0);

    unsafe {
        let argon2_parameters = slice::from_raw_parts(
            GetDefaultArgon2ParametersSize() as usize,

        let _params = Argon2Parameters::try_from(argon2_parameters).unwrap();

        let defaults: Vec<u8> = Argon2Parameters::default().into();
        let received: Vec<u8> = argon2_parameters.to_vec();

        // The -16 is to remove the salt, since it is random
            defaults[..defaults.len() - 16],
            received[..received.len() - 16]

fn test_derive_keypair() {
    let small_password = b"pass".to_vec();
    let long_password = b"this is a very long and complicated password that is, I hope,\
     longer than the length of the actual hash. It also contains we1rd pa$$w0rd///s.\\"

    let parameters: Vec<u8> = Argon2Parameters::default().into();

    let mut private_key_vec = vec![0u8; DeriveKeyPairSize() as usize];
    let private_key = private_key_vec.as_mut_ptr();
    let mut public_key_vec = vec![0u8; DeriveKeyPairSize() as usize];
    let public_key = public_key_vec.as_mut_ptr();

    unsafe {
        let result_small = DeriveKeyPair(
            DeriveKeyPairSize() as usize,
            DeriveKeyPairSize() as usize,
        assert_eq!(0i64, result_small);
        let result_long = DeriveKeyPair(
            DeriveKeyPairSize() as usize,
            DeriveKeyPairSize() as usize,
        assert_eq!(0i64, result_long);

    let data = b"SomeData".to_vec();
    let encrypt_size = EncryptAsymmetricSize(data.len(), 2);

    let mut result_encrypt_vec = vec![0u8; encrypt_size as usize];
    let result_encrypt = result_encrypt_vec.as_mut_ptr();
    unsafe {
        let result_code_encrypt = EncryptAsymmetric(
            DeriveKeyPairSize() as usize,
            encrypt_size as usize,
        assert_eq!(encrypt_size, result_code_encrypt)

    let mut result_decrypt_vec = vec![0u8; encrypt_size as usize];
    let result_decrypt = result_decrypt_vec.as_mut_ptr();
    unsafe {
        let result_code_decrypt = DecryptAsymmetric(
            encrypt_size as usize,
            DeriveKeyPairSize() as usize,
            encrypt_size as usize,

        assert!(result_code_decrypt >= 0);

        let decrypt_data = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result_decrypt, result_code_decrypt as usize);
        assert_eq!(data, decrypt_data);