develop_debug 0.4.1

Print debugging information at development time

Print debugging information at development time

What does this library do?

  • Print nice debugging information;
  • Does not affect performance in the release version;


Add this to your Cargo.toml :

develop_debug = "0.4.1"

Use the develop_debug! :

use develop_debug::*;

// Standard usage
fn use_develop_debug() {
    let x = "dear X";
    let say = "hello world!";
    let array = vec!["a", "b", "c"];
    let title2 = "balabala...";

    develop_debug!(output true);
    develop_debug!(title "example {}",title2);
    develop_debug!(step "do something...{}", say);
    develop_debug!(var x,say);
    develop_debug!(iter array.iter(),array);
    develop_debug!(done "genius {}",x);
    develop_debug!(error "dude, this road is blocked. {}",x);
        "Use it just as you would with the `println!()` macro."
    develop_debug!(output false);

// Using the shortcut, print the same result as above.
fn use_develop_debug_shortcut() {
    let x = "dear X";
    let say = "hello world!";
    let array = vec!["a", "b", "c"];
    let title2 = "balabala...";

    dd___title!("example {}", title2);
    dd____step!("do something...{}", say);
    dd_____var!(x, say);
    dd____iter!(array.iter(), array);
    dd____done!("genius {}", x);
    dd___error!("dude, this road is blocked. {}", x);
        "Use it just as you would with the `println!()` macro."

Output in debug mode :

🍀  example balabala...

🦀  do something...hello world!

🔹  ‹ x          › = ‹"dear X"›
🔹  ‹ say        › = ‹"hello world!"›

🔶  array.iter()
🔸  "a"
🔸  "b"
🔸  "c"

🔶  array
🔸  "a"
🔸  "b"
🔸  "c"

🌱  done. genius dear X

💥  error. dude, this road is blocked. dear X

🐰  Use it just as you would with the `println!()` macro.

No output in --release mode.

What are the benefits of develop_debug! shortcut?

😬 I think it's easy to recognize in the source code ;
🤤 I think it's convenient to prompt in VS Code ;
🤓 I think it visually splits up the code ;

Does the develop_debug! macro affect code performance?

  • It doesn't affect code performance at all;
  • When compiled to the release, develop_debug! actually expanded to empty;

If the document is not semantically fluent

🥺, please forgive my lack of English. All the documents are explained by the translation software; If you can provide a better translation, please contact me at;

I hope this simple library is of some help to you.

😌 😌 😌 😌 😌 😌