desync 0.1.1

A hassle-free data type for asynchronous programming
use super::job::*;

use std::mem;

/// The unsafe job does not manage the lifetime of its TFn
pub struct UnsafeJob {
    // TODO: this can become Shared<> once that API stabilises
    action: *const ScheduledJob

impl UnsafeJob {
    /// Creates an unsafe job. The referenced object should last as long as the job does
    pub fn new<'a>(action: &'a ScheduledJob) -> UnsafeJob {
        let action_ptr: *const ScheduledJob = action;

        // Transmute to remove the lifetime parameter :-/
        // (We're safe provided this job is executed before the reference goes away)
        unsafe { UnsafeJob { action: mem::transmute(action_ptr) } }
unsafe impl Send for UnsafeJob {}

impl ScheduledJob for UnsafeJob {
    fn run(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            let action = self.action as *mut ScheduledJob;