derive_builder_core_fork_arti 0.11.2

Internal helper library for the derive_builder crate.

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Crate derive_builder_core

Important Note:

  • You are probably looking for the derive_builder crate, which wraps this crate and is much more ergonomic to use.
  • The API of this crate might change frequently in the near future. The derive_builder crate also provides a much more stable API.


This version of derive_builder has an additional sub_builder feature, which has not been accepted upstream. We may add further additional features.

In other respects, this fork is likely to lag behind the upstream crate.


This is an internal helper library of derive_builder. Its purpose is to allow derive_builder to use its own code generation technique, if needed.

derive_builder_core might also be used in crates that derive_builder depends on - to break a dependency cycle.

If derive_builder does not itself depend on your crate, then you should consider using derive_builder instead of derive_builder_core.


Please refer to for the documentation of all published versions.


Yes, we keep a changelog.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.