derive_builder 0.1.0

Rust macro based on custom_derive to automatically implement the builder pattern for arbitrary structs.

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Builder pattern derive

Rust macro based on custom_derive to automatically implement the builder pattern for arbitrary structs. This is achieved by implementing setter-methods for all struct fields automatically.

This is a work in progress. Use it at your own risk.

And this is how it works:

#[macro_use] extern crate custom_derive;
#[macro_use] extern crate derive_builder;

custom_derive! {
    #[derive(Debug, Default, Builder)]
    struct Channel {
        token: i32,
        special_info: i32

fn main() {
    let ch = Channel::default().special_info(42);
    println!("{:?}", ch);

Note that we did not write any implementation of Channel or method called special_info. Instead the custom_derive! macro scans the #[derive(..)] attribute of the struct for non-std identifiers – in our case #[derive(Builder)] – and delegates the code generation to the Builder! macro defined in this crate.

The automatically generated setter method for the token field will look like this:

fn token<VALUE: Into<i32>>(mut self, value: VALUE) -> Self {
    self.token = value.into();

Usage and Features

  • Chaining: The setter calls can be chained, because they consume and return self.
  • Extensible: You can still define your own implementation of the struct and define additional methods. Just make sure to name them differently than the fields.
  • Setter type conversions: Setter methods are generic over the input types – you can supply every argument that implements the Into trait for the field type.
  • Generic structs: Are also supported, but you must not use a type parameter named VALUE, because this is already reserved for the setter-methods.


  • Tuple structs and unit structs are not supported as they have no field names. We do not intend to support them.
  • When defining a generic struct, you cannot use VALUE as a generic parameter as this is what all setters are using.
  • This crate exports a macro named Builder!, make sure you don't use this name for another macro.


The builder pattern is explained here. But please note that there is a debate about which variant is preferable for what reasons.


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