derive-where 1.0.0

Deriving with custom trait bounds
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(allow_internal_unstable))]
#![warn(clippy::cargo, clippy::missing_docs_in_private_items)]
#![cfg_attr(doc, warn(rustdoc::all), allow(rustdoc::missing_doc_code_examples))]

//! # Description
//! Derive macro to simplify deriving standard and other traits with custom
//! generic type bounds.
//! # Usage
//! The `derive_where` macro can be used just like std's `#[derive(...)]`
//! statements:
//! ```
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! #[derive_where(Clone, Debug)]
//! struct Example<T>(PhantomData<T>);
//! ```
//! This will generate trait implementations for `Example` for any `T`,
//! as opposed to std's derives, which would only implement these traits with
//! `T: Trait` bound to the corresponding trait.
//! Multiple `derive_where` attributes can be added to an item, but only the
//! first one must use any path qualifications.
//! ```
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! #[derive_where::derive_where(Clone)]
//! #[derive_where(Debug)]
//! struct Example1<T>(PhantomData<T>);
//! ```
//! If using a different package name, you must specify this:
//! ```
//! # extern crate derive_where as derive_where_;
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! #[derive_where(crate = "derive_where_")]
//! #[derive_where(Clone, Debug)]
//! struct Example<T>(PhantomData<T>);
//! ```
//! In addition, the following convenience options are available:
//! ## Generic type bounds
//! Separated from the list of traits with a semi-colon, types to bind to can be
//! specified. This example will restrict the implementation for `Example` to
//! `T: Clone`:
//! ```
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! #[derive_where(Clone; T)]
//! struct Example<T, U>(T, PhantomData<U>);
//! ```
//! It is also possible to specify the bounds to be applied. This will
//! bind implementation for `Example` to `T: Super`:
//! ```
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! trait Super: Clone {}
//! #[derive_where(Clone; T: Super)]
//! struct Example<T>(PhantomData<T>);
//! ```
//! But more complex trait bounds are possible as well.
//! The example below will restrict the implementation for `Example` to
//! `T::Type: Clone`:
//! ```
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! trait Trait {
//! 	type Type;
//! }
//! struct Impl;
//! impl Trait for Impl {
//! 	type Type = i32;
//! }
//! #[derive_where(Clone; T::Type)]
//! struct Example<T: Trait>(T::Type);
//! ```
//! Any combination of options listed here can be used to satisfy a
//! specific constrain. It is also possible to use multiple separate
//! constrain specifications when required:
//! ```
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! #[derive_where(Clone; T)]
//! #[derive_where(Debug; U)]
//! struct Example<T, U>(PhantomData<T>, PhantomData<U>);
//! ```
//! ## Enum default
//! Deriving [`Default`] on an enum is not possible in Rust at the moment.
//! Derive-where allows this with a `default` attribute:
//! ```
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! #[derive_where(Default)]
//! enum Example<T> {
//! 	#[derive_where(default)]
//! 	A(PhantomData<T>),
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Skipping fields
//! With a `skip` or `skip_inner` attribute fields can be skipped for traits
//! that allow it, which are: [`Debug`], [`Hash`], [`Ord`], [`PartialOrd`],
//! [`PartialEq`], [`Zeroize`] and [`ZeroizeOnDrop`].
//! ```
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! #[derive_where(Debug, PartialEq; T)]
//! struct Example<T>(#[derive_where(skip)] T);
//! assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Example(42)), "Example");
//! assert_eq!(Example(42), Example(0));
//! ```
//! It is also possible to skip all fields in an item or variant if desired:
//! ```
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! #[derive_where(Debug)]
//! #[derive_where(skip_inner)]
//! struct StructExample<T>(T);
//! assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", StructExample(42)), "StructExample");
//! #[derive_where(Debug)]
//! enum EnumExample<T> {
//! 	#[derive_where(skip_inner)]
//! 	A(T),
//! }
//! assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", EnumExample::A(42)), "A");
//! ```
//! Selective skipping of fields for certain traits is also an option, both in
//! `skip` and `skip_inner`. To prevent breaking invariants defined for these
//! traits, some of them can only be skipped in groups. The following groups are
//! available:
//! - [`Debug`]
//! - `EqHashOrd`: Skips [`Eq`], [`Hash`], [`Ord`], [`PartialOrd`] and
//!   [`PartialEq`].
//! - [`Hash`]
//! - `Zeroize`: Skips [`Zeroize`] and [`ZeroizeOnDrop`].
//! ```
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! #[derive_where(Debug, PartialEq)]
//! #[derive_where(skip_inner(Debug))]
//! struct Example<T>(i32, PhantomData<T>);
//! assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Example(42, PhantomData::<()>)), "Example");
//! assert_ne!(
//! 	Example(42, PhantomData::<()>),
//! 	Example(0, PhantomData::<()>)
//! );
//! ```
//! ## `Zeroize` options
//! [`Zeroize`] has two options:
//! - `crate`: an item-level option which specifies a path to the `zeroize`
//!   crate in case of a re-export or rename.
//! - `fqs`: a field -level option which will use fully-qualified-syntax instead
//!   of calling the [`zeroize`][`method@zeroize`] method on `self` directly.
//!   This is to avoid ambiguity between another method also called `zeroize`.
//! ```
//! # #[cfg(feature = "zeroize")]
//! # {
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! # use zeroize_::Zeroize;
//! #[derive_where(Zeroize(crate = "zeroize_"))]
//! struct Example(#[derive_where(Zeroize(fqs))] i32);
//! impl Example {
//! 	// If we didn't specify the `fqs` option, this would lead to a compile
//! 	//error because of method ambiguity.
//! 	fn zeroize(&mut self) {
//! 		self.0 = 1;
//! 	}
//! }
//! let mut test = Example(42);
//! // Will call the struct method.
//! test.zeroize();
//! assert_eq!(test.0, 1);
//! // WIll call the `Zeroize::zeroize` method.
//! Zeroize::zeroize(&mut test);
//! assert_eq!(test.0, 0);
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## `ZeroizeOnDrop` options
//! If the `zeroize-on-drop` feature is enabled, it implements [`ZeroizeOnDrop`]
//! and can be implemented without [`Zeroize`], otherwise it only implements
//! [`Drop`] and requires [`Zeroize`] to be implemented.
//! [`ZeroizeOnDrop`] has one option:
//! - `crate`: an item-level option which specifies a path to the `zeroize`
//!   crate in case of a re-export or rename.
//! ```
//! # #[cfg(feature = "zeroize-on-drop")]
//! # {
//! # use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! # use derive_where::derive_where;
//! #[derive_where(ZeroizeOnDrop(crate = "zeroize_"))]
//! struct Example(i32);
//! assert!(core::mem::needs_drop::<Example>());
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Supported traits
//! The following traits can be derived with derive-where:
//! - [`Clone`]
//! - [`Copy`]
//! - [`Debug`]
//! - [`Default`]
//! - [`Eq`]
//! - [`Hash`]
//! - [`Ord`]
//! - [`PartialEq`]
//! - [`PartialOrd`]
//! - [`Zeroize`]: Only available with the `zeroize` crate feature.
//! - [`ZeroizeOnDrop`]: Only available with the `zeroize` crate feature. If the
//!   `zeroize-on-drop` feature is enabled, it implements [`ZeroizeOnDrop`],
//!   otherwise it only implements [`Drop`].
//! ## Supported items
//! Structs, tuple structs, unions and enums are supported. Derive-where tries
//! it's best to discourage usage that could be covered by std's `derive`. For
//! example unit structs and enums only containing unit variants aren't
//! supported.
//! Unions only support [`Clone`] and [`Copy`].
//! ## `no_std` support
//! `no_std` support is provided by default.
//! # Crate features
//! - `nightly`: Implements [`Ord`] and [`PartialOrd`] with the help of
//!   [`core::intrinsics::discriminant_value`], which is what Rust does by
//!   default too. Without this feature [`transmute`](core::mem::transmute) is
//!   used to convert [`Discriminant`](core::mem::Discriminant) to a [`i32`],
//!   which is the underlying type.
//! - `safe`: Implements [`Ord`] and [`PartialOrd`] manually. This is much
//!   slower, but might be preferred if you don't trust derive-where. It also
//!   replaces all cases of [`core::hint::unreachable_unchecked`] in [`Ord`],
//!   [`PartialEq`] and [`PartialOrd`], which is what std uses, with
//!   [`unreachable`].
//! - `zeroize`: Allows deriving [`Zeroize`] and [`method@zeroize`] on [`Drop`].
//! - `zeroize-on-drop`: Allows deriving [`Zeroize`] and [`ZeroizeOnDrop`] and
//!   requires [zeroize] v1.5.
//! # MSRV
//! The current MSRV is 1.57 and is being checked by the CI. A change will be
//! accompanied by a minor version bump. If MSRV is important to you, use
//! `derive-where = "~1.x"` to pin a specific minor version to your crate.
//! # Alternatives
//! [derivative](
//! ([![](](
//! is a great alternative with many options. Notably it doesn't support
//! `no_std` and requires an extra `#[derive(Derivative)]` to use.
//! # Changelog
//! See the [CHANGELOG] file for details.
//! # License
//! Licensed under either of
//! - Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE] or <>)
//! - MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT] or <>)
//! at your option.
//! ## Contribution
//! Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
//! submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0
//! license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or
//! conditions.
//! [zeroize]:
//! [`Debug`]: core::fmt::Debug
//! [`Default`]: core::default::Default
//! [`Hash`]: core::hash::Hash
//! [`Zeroize`]:
//! [`ZeroizeOnDrop`]:
//! [`method@zeroize`]:

mod attr;
mod data;
mod error;
mod input;
mod item;
mod test;
mod trait_;
mod util;

use std::{borrow::Cow, iter};

use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
use syn::{
	spanned::Spanned, Attribute, DataEnum, DataStruct, DataUnion, DeriveInput, Fields, FieldsNamed,
	FieldsUnnamed, Generics, Lit, Meta, NestedMeta, Path, Variant,

#[cfg(feature = "zeroize")]
use self::attr::ZeroizeFqs;
use self::{
	attr::{Default, DeriveTrait, DeriveWhere, FieldAttr, ItemAttr, Skip, SkipGroup, VariantAttr},
	data::{Data, DataType, Field, SimpleType},
	trait_::{Trait, TraitImpl},

/// Name of the `derive_where` attribute proc-macro.
const DERIVE_WHERE: &str = "derive_where";
/// Name of the `DeriveWhere` derive proc-macro.
const DERIVE_WHERE_FORWARD: &str = "DeriveWhere";
/// Name of the `derive_where_visited` proc-macro.
const DERIVE_WHERE_VISITED: &str = "derive_where_visited";

/// Item-level options:
/// - `#[derive_where(crate = "path")]`: Specify path to the `derive_where`
///   crate.
/// - `#[derive_where(Clone, ..; T, ..)]`: Specify traits to implement and
///   optionally bounds.
///   - `#[derive_where(Zeroize(crate = "path"))]`: Specify path to [`Zeroize`]
///     trait.
///   - `#[derive_where(ZeroizeOnDrop(crate = "path"))]`: Specify path to
///     [`ZeroizeOnDrop`] trait.
/// - `#[derive_where(skip_inner(EqHashOrd, ..))]`: Skip all fields in the item.
///   Optionally specify trait groups to constrain skipping fields. Only works
///   for structs, for enums use this on the variant-level.
/// Variant-level options:
/// - `#[derive_where(default)]`: Uses this variant as the default for the
///   [`Default`](core::default::Default) implementation.
/// - `#[derive_where(skip_inner(EqHashOrd, ..))]`: Skip all fields in this
///   variant. Optionally specify trait groups to constrain skipping fields.
/// Field-level options:
/// - `#[derive_where(skip(EqHashOrd, ...))]`: Skip field. Optionally specify
///   trait groups to constrain skipping field.
/// - `#[derive_where(Zeroize(fqs))]`: Use fully-qualified-syntax when
///   implementing [`Zeroize`].
/// See the [crate](crate) level description for more details.
/// [`Zeroize`]:
/// [`ZeroizeOnDrop`]:
pub fn derive_where(
	attr: proc_macro::TokenStream,
	original_input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
	let attr = TokenStream::from(attr);
	let mut original_input = TokenStream::from(original_input);
	let mut input = quote_spanned! { attr.span()=> #[derive_where(#attr)] };

	match syn::parse2::<DeriveInput>(input) {
		Ok(input) => match derive_where_internal(input.clone()) {
			Ok(item) => item.into(),
			Err(error) => {
				let mut clean_input =
		Err(error) => {

/// Convenient way to deal with [`Result`] for [`derive_where()`].
fn derive_where_internal(mut item: DeriveInput) -> Result<TokenStream, syn::Error> {
	let mut crate_ = None;

	// Search for `crate` option.
	for attr in &item.attrs {
		if attr.path.is_ident(DERIVE_WHERE) {
			if let Ok(Meta::List(list)) = attr.parse_meta() {
				if list.nested.len() == 1 {
					if let NestedMeta::Meta(meta) = list
						.expect("unexpected empty list")
						if meta.path().is_ident("crate") {
							if let Meta::NameValue(name_value) = meta {
								if let Lit::Str(lit_str) = &name_value.lit {
									match lit_str.parse::<Path>() {
										Ok(path) => {
											if path == util::path_from_strs(&[DERIVE_WHERE]) {
												return Err(Error::path_unnecessary(
													&format!("::{}", DERIVE_WHERE),

											match crate_ {
												Some(_) => {
													return Err(Error::option_duplicate(
												None => crate_ = Some(path),
										Err(error) => {
											return Err(Error::path(lit_str.span(), error))
								} else {
									return Err(Error::option_syntax(name_value.lit.span()));
							} else {
								return Err(Error::option_syntax(meta.span()));

	// Build [`Path`] to crate.
	let crate_ = crate_.unwrap_or_else(|| util::path_from_strs(&[DERIVE_WHERE]));

	// Build `derive_where_visited` path.
	let derive_where_visited =
		util::path_from_root_and_strs(crate_.clone(), &[DERIVE_WHERE_VISITED]);

	// Check if we already parsed this item before.
	for attr in &item.attrs {
		if attr.path == derive_where_visited {
			return Err(Error::visited(attr.span()));

	// Mark this as visited to prevent duplicate `derive_where` attributes.
		.push(syn::parse_quote! { #[#derive_where_visited] });

	// Build `DeriveWhere` path.
	let derive_where = util::path_from_root_and_strs(crate_, &[DERIVE_WHERE_FORWARD]);

	// Let the `derive` proc-macro parse this.
	let mut output = quote! { #[derive(#derive_where)] };

#[proc_macro_derive(DeriveWhere, attributes(derive_where))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", allow_internal_unstable(core_intrinsics))]
pub fn derive_where_actual(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
	let input = TokenStream::from(input);
	let item = match syn::parse2::<DeriveInput>(input) {
		Ok(item) => item,
		Err(error) => {
			return error.into_compile_error().into();

	let span = {
		let clean_item = DeriveInput {
			attrs: Vec::new(),
			vis: item.vis.clone(),
			ident: item.ident.clone(),
			generics: item.generics.clone(),


	match { Input::from_input(span, &item) } {
		Ok(Input {
		}) => derive_wheres
			.flat_map(|derive_where| iter::repeat(derive_where).zip(&derive_where.traits))
			.map(|(derive_where, trait_)| generate_impl(derive_where, trait_, &item, generics))
		Err(error) => error.into_compile_error().into(),

/// Marker attribute signifying that this item was already processed by a
/// `derive_where` attribute before. This should prevent users to wrongly use a
/// qualified path for a `derive_where` attribute except the first one.
/// MSRV: This currently prevents an MSRV down to 1.34, as proc-macro derives
/// are not allowed to come before a proc-macro attribute. But the logic of this
/// proc-macro attribute is circumvented if it isn't inserted at the end, after
/// the proc-macro derive.
pub fn derive_where_visited(
	_attr: proc_macro::TokenStream,
	input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
	// No-op, just here to mark the item as visited.

/// Generate implementation for a [`Trait`].
fn generate_impl(
	derive_where: &DeriveWhere,
	trait_: &DeriveTrait,
	item: &Item,
	generics: &Generics,
) -> TokenStream {
	let (impl_generics, type_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
	let mut where_clause =;
	derive_where.where_clause(&mut where_clause, trait_, item);

	let body = generate_body(&derive_where.traits, trait_, item);

	let ident = item.ident();
	let path = trait_.impl_path(trait_);
	let mut output = quote! {
		impl #impl_generics #path for #ident #type_generics

	if let Some((path, body)) = trait_.additional_impl(trait_) {
		output.extend(quote! {
			impl #impl_generics #path for #ident #type_generics


/// Generate implementation method body for a [`Trait`].
fn generate_body(traits: &[DeriveTrait], trait_: &DeriveTrait, item: &Item) -> TokenStream {
	match &item {
		Item::Item(data) => {
			let body = trait_.build_body(traits, trait_, data);
			trait_.build_signature(item, traits, trait_, &body)
		Item::Enum { variants, .. } => {
			let body: TokenStream = variants
				.map(|data| trait_.build_body(traits, trait_, data))

			trait_.build_signature(item, traits, trait_, &body)

/// Removes `derive_where` attributes from the item and all fields and variants.
/// This is necessary because Rust currently does not support helper attributes
/// for attribute proc-macros and therefore doesn't automatically remove them.
fn input_without_derive_where_attributes(mut input: DeriveInput) -> DeriveInput {
	use syn::Data;

	let DeriveInput { data, attrs, .. } = &mut input;

	/// Remove all `derive_where` attributes.
	fn remove_derive_where(attrs: &mut Vec<Attribute>) {
		attrs.retain(|attr| !attr.path.is_ident(DERIVE_WHERE))

	/// Remove all `derive_where` attributes from [`FieldsNamed`].
	fn remove_derive_where_from_fields_named(fields: &mut FieldsNamed) {
		let FieldsNamed { named, .. } = fields;
			.for_each(|field| remove_derive_where(&mut field.attrs))

	/// Remove all `derive_where` attributes from [`Fields`].
	fn remove_derive_where_from_fields(fields: &mut Fields) {
		match fields {
			Fields::Named(fields) => remove_derive_where_from_fields_named(fields),
			Fields::Unnamed(FieldsUnnamed { unnamed, .. }) => unnamed
				.for_each(|field| remove_derive_where(&mut field.attrs)),
			Fields::Unit => (),

	// Remove `derive_where` attributes from the item.

	// Remove `derive_where` attributes from variants or fields.
	match data {
		Data::Struct(DataStruct { fields, .. }) => remove_derive_where_from_fields(fields),
		Data::Enum(DataEnum { variants, .. }) => {
				.for_each(|Variant { attrs, fields, .. }| {
		Data::Union(DataUnion { fields, .. }) => remove_derive_where_from_fields_named(fields),
