derive-new 0.5.6

`#[derive(new)]` implements simple constructor functions for structs and enums.
//!# A custom derive implementation for `#[derive(new)]`
//!A `derive(new)` attribute creates a `new` constructor function for the annotated
//!type. That function takes an argument for each field in the type giving a
//!trivial constructor. This is useful since as your type evolves you can make the
//!constructor non-trivial (and add or remove fields) without changing client code
//!(i.e., without breaking backwards compatibility). It is also the most succinct
//!way to initialise a struct or an enum.
//!Implementation uses macros 1.1 custom derive (which works in stable Rust from
//!1.15 onwards).
//!## Examples
//!derive-new = "0.5"
//!Include the macro:
//!extern crate derive_new;
//!fn main() {}
//!Generating constructor for a simple struct:
//!extern crate derive_new;
//!struct Bar {
//!    a: i32,
//!    b: String,
//!fn main() {
//!  let _ = Bar::new(42, "Hello".to_owned());
//!Default values can be specified either via `#[new(default)]` attribute which removes
//!the argument from the constructor and populates the field with `Default::default()`,
//!or via `#[new(value = "..")]` which initializes the field with a given expression:
//!extern crate derive_new;
//!struct Foo {
//!    x: bool,
//!    #[new(value = "42")]
//!    y: i32,
//!    #[new(default)]
//!    z: Vec<String>,
//!fn main() {
//!  let _ = Foo::new(true);
//!Generic types are supported; in particular, `PhantomData<T>` fields will be not
//!included in the argument list and will be intialized automatically:
//!extern crate derive_new;
//!use std::marker::PhantomData;
//!struct Generic<'a, T: Default, P> {
//!    x: &'a str,
//!    y: PhantomData<P>,
//!    #[new(default)]
//!    z: T,
//!fn main() {
//!  let _ = Generic::<i32, u8>::new("Hello");
//!For enums, one constructor method is generated for each variant, with the type
//!name being converted to snake case; otherwise, all features supported for
//!structs work for enum variants as well:
//!extern crate derive_new;
//!enum Enum {
//!    FirstVariant,
//!    SecondVariant(bool, #[new(default)] u8),
//!    ThirdVariant { x: i32, #[new(value = "vec![1]")] y: Vec<u8> }
//!fn main() {
//!  let _ = Enum::new_first_variant();
//!  let _ = Enum::new_second_variant(true);
//!  let _ = Enum::new_third_variant(42);
#![crate_type = "proc-macro"]

#![recursion_limit = "192"]

extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate proc_macro2;
extern crate quote;
extern crate syn;

macro_rules! my_quote {
    ($($t:tt)*) => (quote_spanned!(proc_macro2::Span::call_site() => $($t)*))

use proc_macro::TokenStream;

#[proc_macro_derive(new, attributes(new))]
pub fn derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let ast: syn::DeriveInput = syn::parse(input).expect("Couldn't parse item");
    let result = match {
        syn::Data::Enum(ref e) => new_for_enum(&ast, e),
        syn::Data::Struct(ref s) => new_for_struct(&ast, &s.fields, None),
        syn::Data::Union(_) => panic!("doesn't work with unions yet"),

fn new_for_struct(ast: &syn::DeriveInput,
                  fields: &syn::Fields,
                  variant: Option<&syn::Ident>) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream
    match *fields {
        syn::Fields::Named(ref fields) => {
            new_impl(&ast, Some(&fields.named), true, variant)
        syn::Fields::Unit => {
            new_impl(&ast, None, false, variant)
        syn::Fields::Unnamed(ref fields) => {
            new_impl(&ast, Some(&fields.unnamed), false, variant)

fn new_for_enum(ast: &syn::DeriveInput, data: &syn::DataEnum) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
    if data.variants.is_empty() {
        panic!("#[derive(new)] cannot be implemented for enums with zero variants");
    let impls = data.variants.iter().map(|v| {
        if v.discriminant.is_some() {
            panic!("#[derive(new)] cannot be implemented for enums with discriminants");
        new_for_struct(ast, &v.fields, Some(&v.ident))

fn new_impl(ast: &syn::DeriveInput,
            fields: Option<&syn::punctuated::Punctuated<syn::Field, Token![,]>>,
            named: bool, variant: Option<&syn::Ident>) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream
    let name = &ast.ident;
    let unit = fields.is_none();
    let empty = Default::default();
    let fields: Vec<_> = fields.unwrap_or(&empty).iter()
        .enumerate().map(|(i, f)| FieldExt::new(f, i, named)).collect();
    let args = fields.iter()
        .filter(|f| f.needs_arg()).map(|f| f.as_arg());
    let inits = fields.iter()
        .map(|f| f.as_init());
    let inits = if unit {
    } else if named {
        my_quote![{ #(#inits),* }]
    } else {
        my_quote![( #(#inits),* )]
    let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = ast.generics.split_for_impl();
    let (mut new, qual, doc) = match variant {
        None => (
            syn::Ident::new("new", proc_macro2::Span::call_site()),
            format!("Constructs a new `{}`.", name),
        Some(ref variant) => (
                &format!("new_{}", to_snake_case(&variant.to_string())),
            format!("Constructs a new `{}::{}`.", name, variant),
    let lint_attrs = collect_parent_lint_attrs(&ast.attrs);
    let lint_attrs = my_quote![#(#lint_attrs),*];
    my_quote! {
        impl #impl_generics #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
            #[doc = #doc]
            pub fn #new(#(#args),*) -> Self {
                #name #qual #inits

fn collect_parent_lint_attrs(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> Vec<syn::Attribute> {
    fn is_lint(item: &syn::Meta) -> bool {
        if let syn::Meta::List(ref l) = *item {
            match l.ident.to_string().as_str() {
                "allow" | "deny" | "forbid" | "warn" => return true,
                _ => (),

    fn is_cfg_attr_lint(item: &syn::Meta) -> bool {
        if let syn::Meta::List(ref l) = *item {
            if l.ident == "cfg_attr" && l.nested.len() == 2 {
                if let syn::NestedMeta::Meta(ref item) = l.nested[1] {
                    return is_lint(item);

        .filter_map(|a| {
            a.interpret_meta().map(|m| (m, a))
        .filter(|&(ref m, _)| is_lint(m) || is_cfg_attr_lint(m))
        .map(|p| p.1)

enum FieldAttr {

impl FieldAttr {
    pub fn as_tokens(&self) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
        match *self {
            FieldAttr::Default => my_quote!(::std::default::Default::default()),
            FieldAttr::Value(ref s) => my_quote!(#s),

    pub fn parse(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> Option<FieldAttr> {
        use syn::{Meta, NestedMeta, AttrStyle};

        let mut result = None;
        for attr in attrs.iter() {
            match {
                AttrStyle::Outer => {}
                _ => continue,
            let last_attr_path = attr.path.segments.iter().last()
                .expect("Expected at least one segment where #[segment[::segment*](..)]");
            if (*last_attr_path).ident != "new" {
            let meta = match attr.interpret_meta() {
                Some(meta) => meta,
                None => continue,
            let list = match meta {
                Meta::List(l) => l,
                _ if == "new" => panic!("Invalid #[new] attribute, expected #[new(..)]"),
                _ => continue,
            if result.is_some() {
                panic!("Expected at most one #[new] attribute");
            for item in list.nested.iter() {
                match *item {
                    NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Word(ref ident)) => {
                        if ident == "default" {
                            result = Some(FieldAttr::Default);
                        } else {
                            panic!("Invalid #[new] attribute: #[new({})]", ident);
                    NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::NameValue(ref kv)) => {
                        if let syn::Lit::Str(ref s) = kv.lit {
                            if kv.ident == "value" {
                                let tokens = s.value().parse().ok()
                                        "Invalid expression in #[new]: `{}`", s.value()));
                                result = Some(FieldAttr::Value(tokens));
                            } else {
                                panic!("Invalid #[new] attribute: #[new({} = ..)]", kv.ident);
                        } else {
                            panic!("Non-string literal value in #[new] attribute");
                    NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::List(ref l)) => {
                        panic!("Invalid #[new] attribute: #[new({}(..))]", l.ident);
                    NestedMeta::Literal(_) => {
                        panic!("Invalid #[new] attribute: literal value in #[new(..)]");


struct FieldExt<'a> {
    ty: &'a syn::Type,
    attr: Option<FieldAttr>,
    ident: syn::Ident,
    named: bool,

impl<'a> FieldExt<'a> {
    pub fn new(field: &'a syn::Field, idx: usize, named: bool) -> FieldExt<'a> {
        FieldExt {
            ty: &field.ty,
            attr: FieldAttr::parse(&field.attrs),
            ident: if named {
            } else {
                syn::Ident::new(&format!("f{}", idx), proc_macro2::Span::call_site())
            named: named,

    pub fn has_attr(&self) -> bool {

    pub fn is_phantom_data(&self) -> bool {
        match *self.ty {
            syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { qself: None, ref path }) => {
                    .map(|x| x.value().ident == "PhantomData")
            _ => false,

    pub fn needs_arg(&self) -> bool {
        !self.has_attr() && !self.is_phantom_data()

    pub fn as_arg(&self) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
        let f_name = &self.ident;
        let ty = &self.ty;
        my_quote!(#f_name: #ty)

    pub fn as_init(&self) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
        let f_name = &self.ident;
        let init = if self.is_phantom_data() {
        } else {
            match self.attr {
                None => my_quote!(#f_name),
                Some(ref attr) => attr.as_tokens(),
        if self.named {
            my_quote!(#f_name: #init)
        } else {

fn to_snake_case(s: &str) -> String {
    let (ch, next, mut acc): (Option<char>, Option<char>, String) =
        s.chars().fold((None, None, String::new()), |(prev, ch, mut acc), next| {
            if let Some(ch) = ch {
                if let Some(prev) = prev {
                    if ch.is_uppercase() {
                        if prev.is_lowercase() || prev.is_numeric() ||
                            (prev.is_uppercase() && next.is_lowercase())
            (ch, Some(next), acc)
    if let Some(next) = next {
        if let Some(ch) = ch {
            if (ch.is_lowercase() || ch.is_numeric()) && next.is_uppercase() {

fn test_to_snake_case() {
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case(""), "");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("a"), "a");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("B"), "b");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("BC"), "bc");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("Bc"), "bc");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("bC"), "b_c");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("Fred"), "fred");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("CARGO"), "cargo");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("_Hello"), "_hello");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("QuxBaz"), "qux_baz");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("FreeBSD"), "free_bsd");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("specialK"), "special_k");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("hello1World"), "hello1_world");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("Keep_underscore"), "keep_underscore");
    assert_eq!(to_snake_case("ThisISNotADrill"), "this_is_not_a_drill");