Expand description

§Implementation approach - how does this work?

You do not need to understand this in order to use derive-adhoc.

Also, you should not rely on the details here. They don’t form part of the public interface.


It is widely understood that proc macro invocations cannot communicate with each other. (Some people have tried sneaking round the back with disk files etc. but this can break due to incremental and concurrent compilation.)

But, a proc macro can define a macro_rules macro. Then, later proc macros can invoke that macro. The expansion can even invoke further macros. In this way, a proc macro invocation can communicate with subsequent proc macro invocations. (This trick is also used by ambassador.)

There is a further complication. One macro X cannot peer into and dismantle the expansion of another macro Y. (This is necessary for soundness, when macros can generate unsafe.) So we must sometimes define macros that apply other macros (whose name is supplied as an argument) to what is conceptually the first macro’s output.

§Implementation approach - truly ad-hoc macros

§1. #[derive(Adhoc)] proc macro for saving struct definitions

Implemented in capture.rs::derive_adhoc_derive_macro.

When applied to (e.g.) pub struct StructName, generates this

    macro_rules! derive_adhoc_driver_StructName { {
        { $($template:tt)* }
        { ($orig_dollar:tt) $(future:tt)* }
     } => {
            { pub struct StructName { /* original struct definition */ } }
            { }
            { $($template)* }
            { $($tpassthrough)* }
    } }

(The extra { } parts after the driver and template include space for future expansion.)

In the pub struct part every $ is replaced with $orig_dollar, to use the $ passed in at the invocation site.

§2. derive_adhoc! function-like proc macro for applying to a template

Implemented in invocation.rs::derive_adhoc_func_macro.

When applied like this

       StructName TOPTIONS...:

Expands to

    derive_adhoc_driver_StructName! {
       { TEMPLATE... }
       { ($) }
       crate; [TOPTIONS...]

§3. Function-like proc macro to do the actual expansion

Implemented in expand.rs::derive_adhoc_expand_func_macro.

The result of expanding the above is this:

        { pub struct StructName { /* original struct definition */ } }
        { }
        { TEMPLATE... }
        { crate; [TOPTIONS...] /*no template name*/; }

derive_adhoc_expand parses pub struct StructName, and implements a bespoke template expander, whose template syntax resembles the expansion syntax from macro_rules.

crate is just used as the expansion for ${crate}. (For an ad-hoc template, the local crate is correct.)

§Implementation approach - reusable template macros

§1. define_derive_adhoc! macro for defining a reuseable template

Implemented in definition.rs::define_derive_adhoc_func_macro.

When used like this

    define_derive_adhoc! {
        MyMacro TOPTIONS... =

Expands to

    macro_rules! derive_adhoc_template_Template { {
        { $($driver:tt)* }
     $( [ $($aoptions:tt)* ] )?
        { $($future:tt)* }
    } => {
        derive_adhoc_expand! {
            { $($driver)* }
         $( [ $(aoptions)* ] )?
            { $($dpassthrough)* }
            { TEMPLATE... }
            { $crate; [TOPTIONS...] Template; }
    } }

Except, every $ in the TEMPLATE is replaced with $orig_dollar. This is because a macro_rules! template is not capable of generating a literal in the expansion $. (With the still-unstable decl_macro feature, $$ does this.) The template expansion engine treats $orig_dollar as just a single $.

(Again, the extra { } parts after the driver and template include space for future expansion.)

§2. #[derive_adhoc(Template)], implemented in #[derive(Adhoc)]

Template reuse is also implemented in capture.rs::derive_adhoc_derive_macro.


    pub struct StructName { ... }

Generates (in addition to the derive_adhoc_driver_StructName definition)

    derive_adhoc_template_Template! {
        { #[derive_adhoc(Template)] struct StructName { ... } }
        [1 0 AOPTIONS]    // but only if AOPTIONS is nonempty
        { }

The literal $ is there to work around a limitation in macro_rules!, see above.

§3. Actual expansion

The call to derive_adhoc_template_Template! is expanded according to the macro_rules! definition, resulting in a call to derive_adhoc_expand:

        { pub struct StructName { /* original struct definition */ } }
        [1 0 AOPTIONS]    // but only if AOPTIONS is nonempty
        { }
        { TEMPLATE... }
        { $crate; [TOPTIONS...] Template; }