derive-adhoc 0.8.4

An ergonomic way to write derive() macros
name = "derive-adhoc"
version = "0.8.4"
edition = "2018"
authors=["Ian Jackson <>",
         "and the contributors to Rust derive-adhoc"]
description="An ergonomic way to write derive() macros"
homepage = ""
repository = ""
rust-version = "1.56"

autotests = false

members = [

# After editing this file, you will probably need to run
#   maint/update-bizarre
# to update the "bizarre" testing versions in tests/pub-export/bizarre-*

default = ["full"]
full = ["case", "expect", "minimal-1"]
minimal-1 = []
# The minimal-1 feature is mandatory.
# This apporach will allow us to move things from "always enabled" to
# "part of some feature that can be disabled" without a semver break:
# Introduce "minimal-2" which excludes the newly-disablable code,
# but retain it in "minimal-1".

case = ["derive-adhoc-macros/case", "heck"]
expect = ["derive-adhoc-macros/expect"]

derive-adhoc-macros = { path = "macros", version = "=0.8.4", default_features = false }
# This dependency is *here* only for the link to `heck` in the docs.
heck = { version = "0.4", optional = true }