derivative 1.0.3

A set of alternative `derive` attributes for Rust
language: rust
sudo: false

  - 1.15.0  # Minimum supported version
  - stable
  - beta
  - nightly

  - linux
  - osx

  # Some toolchains don't ship clippy, so handle this case to not break the build
  - if [ ${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION} != "1.15.0" ] && rustup component add clippy-preview; then export HAS_CLIPPY=true; else export HAS_CLIPPY=false; fi
  - rustc -V
  - cargo -V
  - if ${HAS_CLIPPY}; then cargo clippy -V; fi

  - if [ ${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION} = "nightly" ]; then export FEATURES="--features=test-nightly"; else export FEATURES= ; fi
  - cargo build --verbose ${FEATURES}
  - cargo test --verbose ${FEATURES}
  - if [ ${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION} = "nightly" ]; then export FEATURES="--features=test-nightly,use_core"; else export FEATURES="--features=use_core" ; fi
  - cargo clean
  - cargo build --verbose ${FEATURES}
  - cargo test --verbose ${FEATURES}
  - if ${HAS_CLIPPY}; then cargo clippy --verbose ${FEATURES}; fi

  # `compiletest_rs` 0.3.14 is not compatible with `-Z minimal-versions`, so do
  # not use the "test-nightly" feature
  - if [ ${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION} = "nightly" ]; then cargo update -Z minimal-versions; fi
  - if [ ${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION} = "nightly" ]; then cargo build --verbose; fi
  - if [ ${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION} = "nightly" ]; then cargo test --verbose; fi
  - if [ ${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION} = "nightly" ]; then cargo build --features=use_core; fi
  - if [ ${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION} = "nightly" ]; then cargo test --verbose --features=use_core; fi