deref_owned 0.10.2

Generalization of std::borrow::Cow
# deref\_owned

Generalization of `std::borrow::Cow`, which can be used to reduce runtime
overhead in certain scenarios.

## Changelog

* 2022-07-12: Version 0.10.2
    * Improved documentation
* 2022-07-10: Version 0.10.1
    * Improved documentation
    * Added `#[repr(transparent)]` to `Owned` wrapper
* 2022-07-10: Version 0.10.0
    * The borrowed (i.e. pointed-to) type is now used as a type argument for
    `Owned`. This allows specifying the borrowed type as an associated type of
    the `GenericCow` trait, which aids type inference.
    * Implementation of `From` for `Owned` had to be removed.
* 2022-07-04: Version 0.8.2
    * Added implementation of `From<T>` for `Owned<T>`
    * Added missing version numbers 0.8.0 and 0.8.1 in changelog
    * Added some tests
* 2022-07-04: Version 0.9.0 **(yanked)**
    * Added implementation of `From<T>` for `Owned<T>`
    * Removed implementation of `AsRef<U>` for `Owned<T>` and implement
      `AsRef<T>` only (this is to allow going from `Owned<T>` to `T`
      where `T: !AsRef<T>`) **(Yanked because `.borrow()` should be used in
      that case.)**
    * Added missing version numbers 0.8.0 and 0.8.1 in changelog
* 2022-07-04: Version 0.8.1
    * Added example to crate-level documentation comment
* 2022-07-02: Version 0.8.0
    * Struct `Owned` is now a simple wrapper with one type argument (of its
      inner value).
    * `Owned::new` has been removed.
    * The associated type `GenericCow<B>::Owned` has been removed in favor of
      using `<B as ToOwned>::Owned`.
    * Modified documentation to avoid the terminology "smart pointer"
    * Modified tests
* 2022-07-01: Version 0.7.0
    * Removed `Deref` as supertrait of `GenericCow` and added type argument to
      `GenericCow` instead
* 2022-07-01: Version 0.6.1
    * Corrected `Owned::borrowed` to be
      `PhantomData<for<'a> fn(&'a O) -> &'a B>` instead of using
      `PhantomData<*const B>`, which broke correct autotrait behavior
* 2022-07-01: Version 0.6.0
    * Removed lifetime argument for `Owned`
    * Fixed changelog for version 0.5.0
* 2022-07-01: Version 0.5.0
    * A lifetime and type argument for the borrowed type has been added to
      `Owned`, which now contains a `PhantomData` of a reference to the
      borrowed type. This makes `OwnedRef` superfluous, which has been removed.
    * `IntoOwned` has been renamed to `GenericCow`.
    * Removed `AsMut`, `BorrowMut` and `DerefMut` implementations for `Owned`
* 2022-06-30: Version 0.4.0
    * Removed implementations of `IntoOwned` for `Box<T>`, `Vec<T>`, and
    * New wrapper type `OwnedRef<T>`
* 2022-06-28: Version 0.3.0
    * Added implementations of `IntoOwned` for `Box<T>` (`where T: ?Sized`),
      `Vec<T>`, and `String`, with `IntoOwned::Owned` being set to `Self`
      (replaces previous implementation for `Box<T>`)
* 2022-06-27: Version 0.2.0
    * Some more trait implementations (`AsRef`, `AsMut`, `Borrow`, `BorrowMut`,
      and `Display`) have been added for `Owned`
      (and `Debug::fmt`'s output is transparent now)
    * `Deref` is now a supertrait of `IntoOwned` and `IntoOwned::Owned` must
      implement `Borrow<<Self as Deref>::Target>`
* 2022-06-26: Version 0.1.0
    * Initial release