der_derive 0.5.0-pre.1

Custom derive support for the `der` crate's `Choice` and `Sequence` traits
//! Custom derive support for the [`der`] crate.
//! This crate contains custom derive macros intended to be used in the
//! following way:
//! - [`Choice`][`derive@Choice`]: map ASN.1 `CHOICE` to a Rust enum.
//! - [`Sequence`][`derive@Sequence`]: map ASN.1 `SEQUENCE` to a Rust struct.
//! Note that this crate shouldn't be used directly, but instead accessed
//! by using the `derive` feature of the `der` crate.
//! # Why not `serde`?
//! The `der` crate is designed to be easily usable in embedded environments,
//! including ones where code size comes at a premium.
//! This crate (i.e. `der_derive`) is able to generate code which is
//! significantly smaller than `serde_derive`. This is because the `der`
//! crate has been designed with high-level abstractions which reduce
//! code size, including trait object-based encoders which allow encoding
//! logic which is duplicated in `serde` serializers to be implemented in
//! a single place in the `der` crate.
//! This is a deliberate tradeoff in terms of performance, flexibility, and
//! code size. At least for now, the `der` crate is optimizing for leveraging
//! as many abstractions as it can to minimize code size.
//! # `#[asn1(type = "...")]` attribute
//! This attribute can be used to specify the ASN.1 type for a particular
//! enum variant or struct field.
//! It's presently mandatory for all enum variants, even when using one of the
//! ASN.1 types defined by this crate.
//! For structs, placing this attribute on a field makes it possible to
//! decode/encode types which don't directly implement the `Decode`/`Encode`
//! traits but do impl `From` and `TryInto` and `From` for one of the ASN.1 types
//! listed below (use the ASN.1 type keywords as the `type`):
//! - `BIT STRING`: performs an intermediate conversion to [`der::asn1::BitString`]
//! - `GeneralizedTime`: performs an intermediate conversion to [`der::asn1::GeneralizedTime`]
//! - `OCTET STRING`: performs an intermediate conversion to [`der::asn1::OctetString`]
//! - `PrintableString`: performs an intermediate conversion to [`der::asn1::PrintableString`]
//! - `UTCTime`: performs an intermediate conversion to [`der::asn1::UtcTime`]
//! - `UTF8String`: performs an intermediate conversion to [`der::asn1::Utf8String`]
//! Note: please open a GitHub Issue if you would like to request support
//! for additional ASN.1 types.
//! [`der`]:
//! [`der::asn1::BitString`]:
//! [`der::asn1::GeneralizedTime`]:
//! [`der::asn1::OctetString`]:
//! [`der::asn1::PrintableString`]:
//! [`der::asn1::UtcTime`]:
//! [`der::asn1::Utf8String`]:

#![crate_type = "proc-macro"]
#![warn(rust_2018_idioms, trivial_casts, unused_qualifications)]

mod attributes;
mod choice;
mod sequence;
mod types;

use crate::{
    attributes::Asn1Attrs, choice::DeriveChoice, sequence::DeriveSequence, types::Asn1Type,
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use syn::{Generics, Lifetime};
use synstructure::{decl_derive, Structure};

    [Choice, attributes(asn1)] =>

    /// Derive the [`Choice`][1] trait on an enum.
    /// This custom derive macro can be used to automatically impl the
    /// [`Decodable`][2] and [`Encodable`][3] traits along with the
    /// [`Choice`][1] supertrait for any enum representing an ASN.1 `CHOICE`.
    /// The enum must consist entirely of 1-tuple variants wrapping inner
    /// types which must also impl the [`Decodable`][2] and [`Encodable`][3]
    /// traits. It will will also generate [`From`] impls for each of the
    /// inner types of the variants into the enum that wraps them.
    /// # Usage
    /// ```ignore
    /// // NOTE: requires the `derive` feature of `der`
    /// use der::Choice;
    /// /// `Time` as defined in RFC 5280
    /// #[derive(Choice)]
    /// pub enum Time {
    ///     #[asn1(type = "UTCTime")]
    ///     UtcTime(UtcTime),
    ///     #[asn1(type = "GeneralizedTime")]
    ///     GeneralTime(GeneralizedTime),
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// # `#[asn1(type = "...")]` attribute
    /// See [toplevel documentation for the `der_derive` crate][4] for more
    /// information about the `#[asn1]` attribute.
    /// [1]:
    /// [2]:
    /// [3]:
    /// [4]:

    [Sequence, attributes(asn1)] =>

    /// Derive the [`Sequence`][1] trait on a struct.
    /// This custom derive macro can be used to automatically impl the
    /// `Sequence` trait for any struct which can be decoded/encoded as an
    /// ASN.1 `SEQUENCE`.
    /// # Usage
    /// ```ignore
    /// use der::{
    ///     asn1::{Any, ObjectIdentifier},
    ///     Sequence
    /// };
    /// /// X.509 `AlgorithmIdentifier`
    /// #[derive(Sequence)]
    /// pub struct AlgorithmIdentifier<'a> {
    ///     /// This field contains an ASN.1 `OBJECT IDENTIFIER`, a.k.a. OID.
    ///     pub algorithm: ObjectIdentifier,
    ///     /// This field is `OPTIONAL` and contains the ASN.1 `ANY` type, which
    ///     /// in this example allows arbitrary algorithm-defined parameters.
    ///     pub parameters: Option<Any<'a>>
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// # `#[asn1(type = "...")]` attribute
    /// See [toplevel documentation for the `der_derive` crate][2] for more
    /// information about the `#[asn1]` attribute.
    /// [1]:
    /// [2]:

/// Custom derive for `der::Choice`
fn derive_choice(s: Structure<'_>) -> TokenStream {
    let ast = s.ast();
    let lifetime = parse_lifetime(&ast.generics);

    match & {
        syn::Data::Enum(data) => DeriveChoice::derive(s, data, lifetime),
        other => panic!("can't derive `Choice` on: {:?}", other),

/// Custom derive for `der::Sequence`
fn derive_sequence(s: Structure<'_>) -> TokenStream {
    let ast = s.ast();
    let lifetime = parse_lifetime(&ast.generics);

    match & {
        syn::Data::Struct(data) => DeriveSequence::derive(s, data, lifetime),
        other => panic!("can't derive `Sequence` on: {:?}", other),

/// Parse the first lifetime of the "self" type of the custom derive
/// Returns `None` if there is no first lifetime.
fn parse_lifetime(generics: &Generics) -> Option<&Lifetime> {
    generics.lifetimes().next().map(|lt_ref| &lt_ref.lifetime)