der-parser 2.0.0-alpha2

Parser for BER/DER encoding data
# der-parser

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# BER/DER Parser

A parser for Basic Encoding Rules (BER [[X.690]]) and Distinguished Encoding Rules(DER
[[X.690]]), implemented with the [nom]( parser combinator

The code is available on [Github](
and is part of the [Rusticata]( project.

# DER parser design

There are two different approaches for parsing DER objects: reading the objects recursively as
long as the tags are known, or specifying a description of the expected objects (generally from
the [ASN.1][X.680] description).

The first parsing method can be done using the [`parse_ber`](ber/fn.parse_ber.html) and
[`parse_der`](der/fn.parse_der.html) methods.
However, it cannot fully parse all objects, especially those containing IMPLICIT, OPTIONAL, or

use der_parser::parse_der;

let bytes = [ 0x30, 0x0a,
              0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01,
              0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,

let parsed = parse_der(&bytes);

The second (and preferred) parsing method is to specify the expected objects recursively. The
following macros can be used:
[`parse_der_sequence_defined`](macro.parse_der_sequence_defined.html) and similar functions,
[`parse_der_struct`](macro.parse_der_struct.html), etc.

For example, to read a sequence containing two integers:

use der_parser::ber::*;
use nom::{IResult,Err,ErrorKind};

fn localparse_seq(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],BerObject> {
let bytes = [ 0x30, 0x0a,
              0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01,
              0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
let parsed = localparse_seq(&bytes);

All functions return an `IResult` object from `nom`: the parsed
[`BerObject`](ber/struct.BerObject.html), an `Incomplete` value, or an error.

# Notes

- The DER constraints are verified if using `parse_der`.
- `BerObject` and `DerObject` are the same objects (type alias). The only difference is the
  verification of constraints *during parsing*.
- DER integers can be of any size, so it is not possible to store them as simple integers (they
are stored as raw bytes). To get a simple value, use
[`BerObject::as_u32`]ber/struct.BerObject.html#method.as_u32 (knowning that this method will
return an error if the integer is too large), [`BerObject::as_u64`]ber/struct.BerObject.html#method.as_u64,
or use the `bigint` feature of this crate and use

# References

- [[X.680]] Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation.
- [[X.690]] ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical
  Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER).

[X.680]: "Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1):
  Specification of basic notation."
[X.690]: "ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of
  Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules

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## Changes

### 2.0.0

- Refactor code, split BER and DER, check DER constraints
- Add recursion limit for sequences and sets
- Rustfmt
- Documentation
- Remove unused function `ber_read_element_content`

### 1.1.1

- Fix OID parsing, and add support for relative OIDs
- Add FromStr trait for Oid

### 1.1.0

- Use num-bigint over num and upgrade to 0.2

### 1.0.0

- Upgrade to nom 4

### 0.5.5

- Add functions `parse_der_u32` and `parse_der_u64` to quickly parse integers
- Remove `Oid::from_vec`, `Oid::from` does the same
- Enforce constraints on DER booleans

### 0.5.4

- Add `BitStringObject` to wrap BitString objects
- Mark constructed BitStrings as unsupported
- Do not try to parse application-specific data in `parse_der`

### 0.5.3

- Add function `DerObject::as_u64`
- Add function `DerObject::as_oid_val`
- Add `parse_der_struct!` variant to check tag

### 0.5.2

- Add functions to test object class and primitive/constructed state
- Add macro `parse_der_application!`
- Add macro `parse_der_tagged!` to parse `[x] EXPLICIT` or `[x] IMPLICIT` tagged values

### 0.5.1

- Add type GeneralString
- Add macro `parse_der_struct!`

### 0.5.0

- Allow use of crate without extra use statements
- Use constants for u32 errors instead of magical numbers
- Rename `tag_of_der_content()` to `DerObjectContent::tag`
- Rename DerElementxxx structs to have a consistent naming scheme
- Add documentation for parsing DER sequences and sets, and fix wrong return type for sets
- Fix a lot of clippy warnings
- QA: add pragma rules (disable unsafe code, unstable features etc.)
- More documentation
- Switch license to MIT + APLv2

### 0.4.4

- Add macro parse_der_defined_m, to parse a defined sequence or set
  This macro differs from `parse_der_defined` because it allows using macros
- Rename `DerObject::new_int` to `DerObject::from_int_slice`
- Rename `Oid::to_hex` to `Oid::to_string`
- Document more functions

### 0.4.1

- Add new feature 'bigint' to export DER integers
- OID is now a specific type
- Add new types T61String and BmpString
- Fix wrong expected tag in parse_der_set_of

### 0.4.0

- Der Integers are now represented as slices (byte arrays) since they can be larger than u64.

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0
 * MIT license

at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.