dependency-refresh 0.1.6

This tool is meant to update rust dependency versions within Cargo.toml files.


dependency-refresh is meant to update rust dependency versions within Cargo.toml files.

The tool reads the given toml files and checks online at for the latest version of each dependency.

I am aware that there is room for improvement in my rust code, so feel free to comment or submit small patches.

Example usage

$ ./dr /home/jm/IdeaProjects/dependency-refresh/Cargo.toml
Reading file: /home/jm/IdeaProjects/dependency-refresh/Cargo.toml
        Found: structopt
                Local version:  0.2
                Online version: 0.2.15
        Found: toml_edit
                Local version:  0.1.3
                Online version: 0.1.3
        Found: reqwest
                Local version:  0.9.13
                Online version: 0.9.13
        Found: serde_json
                Local version:  1.0
                Online version: 1.0.39


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