dep 0.1.1

A very basic, git based, flat dependency manager
dep-0.1.1 is not a library.


A very basic, git based, flat dependency manager


Currently only public repos or repos with ssh are supported. So, no user-pass authentication.


dep global // prints the global config path
dep init   // creates an empty project config
dep update // updates all dependencies

Sample Config

The configuration format is heavily inspired by the cargo package format, with some minor changes.

# required
name = 'dep'

# optional
# if lib-dir isn't set, default-lib-dir (defined in $HOME/.deprc) is used
lib-dir = 'VENDOR'

authors = ['hardliner66']
descrption = 'My cool project'
homepage = ''
repository = ''

git-server = ''

# public git repo
some_repo = { git = '' }

# private git repo
some_private_repo = { git = '' }

# alternative syntax for private repos (only if git-server is set)
some_private_repo2 = { repo = 'user/some_private_repo2' }

# branches
some_other_private_repo = { git = '', branch = 'feature3' }

#local folders
some_local_repo = { path = '../some/local/folder' }

TODOs / Planed features

  • write better documentation
  • local overrides file