deno_ops 0.85.0

Proc macro for writing Deno Ops
# deno_ops

`proc_macro` for generating highly optimized V8 functions from Deno ops.

// Declare an op.
pub fn op_add(_: &mut OpState, a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
  a + b

// Register with an extension.
Extension {
  name: "math",
  ops: Cow::Borrowed(&[op_add::DECL]),

## Performance

The macro can optimize away code, short circuit fast paths and generate a Fast
API impl.

Cases where code is optimized away:

- `-> ()` skips serde_v8 and `rv.set` calls.
- `-> Result<(), E>` skips serde_v8 and `rv.set` calls for `Ok()` branch.
- `-> ResourceId` or `-> [int]` types will use specialized method like
  `v8::ReturnValue::set_uint32`. A fast path for SMI.
- `-> Result<ResourceId, E>` or `-> Result<[int], E>` types will be optimized
  like above for the `Ok()` branch.

### Fast calls

The macro will infer and try to auto generate V8 fast API call trait impl for
`sync` ops with:

- arguments: integers, bool, `&mut OpState`, `&[u8]`, `&mut [u8]`, `&[u32]`,
  `&mut [u32]`
- return_type: integers, bool

The `#[op(fast)]` attribute should be used to enforce fast call generation at
compile time.

Trait gen for `async` ops & a ZeroCopyBuf equivalent type is planned and will be
added soon.

### Wasm calls

The `#[op(wasm)]` attribute should be used for calls expected to be called from
Wasm. This enables the fast call generation and allows seamless `WasmMemory`
integration for generic and fast calls.

pub fn op_args_get(
  offset: i32,
  buffer_offset: i32,
  memory: Option<&[u8]>, // Must be last parameter. Some(..) when entered from Wasm.
) {
  // ...