deno_lint 0.1.21

lint for deno
# `deno_lint`

A Rust crate for writing fast JavaScript and TypeScript linters.

This crate powers [`deno lint`](, but is not Deno specific
and can be used to write linters for Node as well.



_Current focus is on getting `recommended` set of rules from ESLint and `@typescript-eslint`
working out of the box._

See [the roadmap](


## Performance

Blazing fast, see comparison with ESLint:

    "name": "deno_lint",
    "totalMs": 247.20262200000025,
    "runsCount": 5,
    "measuredRunsAvgMs": 49.44052440000005,
    "measuredRunsMs": [
    "name": "eslint",
    "totalMs": 12214.295835,
    "runsCount": 5,
    "measuredRunsAvgMs": 2442.859167,
    "measuredRunsMs": [

_Benchmarks are run during CI on Ubuntu, using the same set of rules for both linters.
Test subject is [`oak` server]( consisting of about 50 files.
See [`./benchmarks/`](./benchmarks/) directory for more info._

## Supported rules

- [`adjacent-overload-signatures`]
- [`ban-ts-comment`]
- `ban-ts-ignore`
- [`ban-types`]
- `ban-untagged-ignore`
- `ban-untagged-todo`
- [`constructor-super`]
- [`default-param-last`]
- [`eqeqeq`]
- [`explicit-function-return-type`]
- [`explicit-module-boundary-types`]
- [`for-direction`]
- [`getter-return`]
- [`no-array-constructor`]
- [`no-async-promise-executor`]
- [`no-await-in-loop`]
- [`no-case-declarations`]
- [`no-class-assign`]
- [`no-compare-neg-zero`]
- [`no-cond-assign`]
- [`no-const-assign`]
- [`no-constant-condition`]
- [`no-control-regex`]
- [`no-debugger`]
- [`no-delete-var`]
- [`no-dupe-args`]
- [`no-dupe-class-members`]
- [`no-dupe-else-if`]
- [`no-dupe-keys`]
- [`no-duplicate-case`]
- [`no-empty`]
- [`no-empty-character-class`]
- [`no-empty-interface`]
- [`no-empty-pattern`]
- [`no-eval`]
- [`no-ex-assign`]
- [`no-explicit-any`]
- [`no-extra-boolean-cast`]
- [`no-extra-non-null-assertion`]
- [`no-extra-semi`]
- [`no-func-assign`]
- [`no-inferrable-types`]
- [`no-invalid-regexp`]
- [`no-misused-new`]
- [`no-namespace`]
- [`no-new-symbol`]
- [`no-non-null-asserted-optional-chain`]
- [`no-non-null-assertion`]
- [`no-obj-calls`]
- [`no-octal`]
- [`no-prototype-builtins`]
- [`no-regex-spaces`]
- [`no-setter-return`]
- [`no-shadow-restricted-names`]
- [`no-sparse-arrays`]
- [`no-this-alias`]
- [`no-this-before-super`]
- [`no-throw-literal`]
- [`no-unexpected-multiline`]
- [`no-unsafe-finally`]
- [`no-unsafe-negation`]
- [`no-unused-labels`]
- [`no-var`]
- [`no-with`]
- [`prefer-as-const`]
- [`prefer-namespace-keyword`]
- [`require-yield`]
- `single-var-declarator`
- [`triple-slash-reference`]
- [`use-isnan`]
- [`valid-typeof`]

## Ignore directives

### Files

To ignore whole file `// deno-lint-ignore-file` directive should placed at the top of the file.

// deno-lint-ignore-file

function foo(): any {
  // ...

Ignore directive must be placed before first stament or declaration:

// Copyright 2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.

 * Some JS doc

// deno-lint-ignore-file

import { bar } from "./bar.js";

function foo(): any {
  // ...

### Diagnostics

To ignore certain diagnostic `// deno-lint-ignore <codes...>` directive should be placed
before offending line.

// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
function foo(): any {
  // ...

// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any explicit-function-return-type
function bar(a: any) {
  // ...

Specyfing rule code that will be ignored is required.

## Example

`examples/dlint/` provides a minimal standalone binary demonstrating
how `deno_lint` can be used as a crate.

$ ▶ target/debug/examples/dlint ../deno/std/http/server.ts ../deno/std/http/file_server.ts
(no-empty) Empty block statement
  --> ../deno/std/http/server.ts:93:14
93 |       } catch {}
   |               ^^
(no-empty) Empty block statement
   --> ../deno/std/http/server.ts:111:44
111 |     while ((await !== null) {}
    |                                             ^^
(no-empty) Empty block statement
   --> ../deno/std/http/server.ts:120:41
120 |   constructor(public listener: Listener) {}
    |                                          ^^
(ban-untagged-todo) TODO should be tagged with (@username) or (#issue)
 --> ../deno/std/http/file_server.ts:5:0
5 | // TODO Stream responses instead of reading them into memory.
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(ban-untagged-todo) TODO should be tagged with (@username) or (#issue)
 --> ../deno/std/http/file_server.ts:6:0
6 | // TODO Add tests like these:
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(ban-untagged-todo) TODO should be tagged with (@username) or (#issue)
   --> ../deno/std/http/file_server.ts:137:0
137 | // TODO: simplify this after deno.stat and deno.readDir are fixed
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(no-empty) Empty block statement
   --> ../deno/std/http/file_server.ts:155:16
155 |     } catch (e) {}
    |                 ^^
Found 7 problems

For more concrete implementation visit [`deno`](

## Developing

Make sure to have latest stable version of Rust installed (1.44.0).

// check version
$ rustc --version
rustc 1.44.0 (49cae5576 2020-06-01)

// build all targets
$ cargo build --all-targets

// test it
$ cargo test

### Generating flamegraph (Linux)


- Install [`perf`], (`stackcollapse-perf`)[], [`rust-unmangle`] and [`flamegraph`]

$ RUSTFLAGS='-g' cargo build --release --all-targets # build target
$ sudo perf record --call-graph dwarf ./target/release/examples/dlint benchmarks/oak/**.ts # create performance profile
$ perf script | stackcollapse-perf | rust-unmangle | flamegraph > flame.svg # generate flamegraph

These commands can take a few minutes to run.

## Contributing

- If you are going to work on an issue, mention so in the issue comments
  _before_ you start working on the issue.

- Please be professional in the forums. We follow
  [Rust's code of conduct]
  (CoC) Have a problem? Email

- Ask for help in the [community chat room]

## Submitting a Pull Request

Before submitting, please make sure the following is done:

1. That there is a related issue and it is referenced in the PR text.
2. There are tests that cover the changes.
3. Ensure `cargo test` passes.
4. Format your code with `deno run --allow-run tools/format.ts`
5. Make sure `deno run --allow-run tools/lint.ts` passes.