
pub use futures;
pub use rusty_v8 as v8;
pub use serde_json;
pub use url;



Minimum and maximum bytes of heap used in an isolate

A single execution context of JavaScript. Corresponds roughly to the “Web Worker” concept in the DOM. A JsRuntime is a Future that can be used with an event loop (Tokio, async_std). The JsRuntime future completes when there is an error or when all pending ops have completed.

EsModule source code that will be loaded into V8.

Resolved module specifier

Collection for storing registered ops. The special ‘get_op_catalog’ op with OpId 0 is automatically added when the OpTable is created.

This future is used to implement parallel async module loading.

A ZeroCopyBuf encapsulates a slice that’s been borrowed from a JavaScript ArrayBuffer object. JavaScript objects can normally be garbage collected, but the existence of a ZeroCopyBuf inhibits this until it is dropped. It behaves much like an Arc<u8>.


Error indicating the reason resolving a module specifier failed.



Normalize all itermediate components of the path (ie. remove “./” and “../” components). Similar to fs::canonicalize() but doesn’t resolve symlinks.

Remove a resource from the resource table.

Return map of resources with id as key and string representaion as value.

Pass the command line arguments to v8. Returns a vector of command line arguments that V8 did not understand.

Type Definitions