demes-forward 0.4.0

rust API for iterating demes models forwards in time
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## [0.4.0] - 2023-09-26

### Documentation

- Fix broken intra-doc links ([#313]

### Features

- Add demes-forward::ForwardGraph::size_at ([#264]
- Impl Clone for demes::Graph and demes_forward::Graph ([#281]
- Add ForwardGraph::deme_size_history ([#270]
- Add utility fns for ForwardGraph ([#286]
- Add fn to return deme names from graph ([#294]

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Bump MSRV to 1.60.0 ([#279]

### Refactor

- [**breaking**] Mark SizeFunction non_exhaustive ([#258]
- Graph::get_deme takes Into<DemeId> as argument ([#266]
- [**breaking**] Improve strictness of all newtypes ([#272]
- Use Vec instead of ndarray internally ([#275]
- Fix invalid demes::Time during deme updates ([#276]
- ForwardGraph::deme_size_history now works by explicit ([#288]
- Use enums to abstract over input time types ([#293]
- Demes_forward::Error uses thiserror decorators instead of custom impl ([#309]

### Testing

- Test all size changes for test added in #253 ([#255]

## [0.3.0] - 2023-03-30

### Refactor

- [**breaking**] Mark SizeFunction non_exhaustive ([#258]

### Testing

- Test all size changes for test added in #253 ([#255]

## [0.3.0-alpha.1] - 2023-03-14

### Bug Fixes

- Fix conversion to backwards time when all end_times > 0.0 ([#253]

## [0.3.0-alpha.0] - 2023-03-13

### Bug Fixes

- Fix onset of, and formula for, exponential size change. ([#235]
- Fix pulse/migration event timings. ([#238]
- ForwardGraph::new Err on non-integer sizes ([#243]

### Documentation

- Fix typo in crate-level documentation ([#224]
- Update for workspace and crates ([#226]

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Reorganize as a cargo workspace ([#215]
- Update Cargo.toml to point to correct homepage/repo. ([#223]

### Refactor

- [**breaking**] Mark DemesError and DemesForardError non_exhaustive ([#249]
- [**breaking**] Handle time conversion/rounding with callbacks ([#251]

### Testing

- Add test of ancestry proportions for demes with size 0. ([#230]

## [0.2.1] - 2023-02-08

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Bump Swatinem/rust-cache from 1 to 2 ([#75]
- Define crate MSRV ([#77]

### Styling

- Fix clippy lints ([#78]

## [0.2.0] - 2022-10-27

### Documentation

- First pass at docs for public API. ([#72]

### Features

- Add example program using Gutenkunst OOA model ([#73]

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Bump version to 0.1.1 ([#61]
- Bump demes-rs to ~0.3.0 ([#60]
- Add cliff.toml ([#63]
- Fix link to ([#64]
- Bump version to 0.2.0 ([#66]
- Add dependabot.yml ([#67]
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 ([#68]
- Bump styfle/cancel-workflow-action from 0.6.0 to 0.11.0 ([#69]

### Refactor

- Use demes::Epoch::start_time() internally ([#65]
- Make ForwardGraph::model_times private. ([#70]
- [**breaking**] Remove super trait in favor of vanilla trait bounds ([#71]
- Replace unwraps with Err propagation. ([#74]

### Styling

- Fix clippy lints ([#62]

### Testing

- Add tests of iteration logic. ([#59]

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