dementia 0.0.2

A small client library for the Matrix protocoll


Small rust library for the Matrix protocol


Right now, only joining rooms, sending text messages and receiving text messages are supported. Support for room creation and receiving other kinds of messages are planned for near time.


In order to connect to a Matrix homeserver and join a room, you need a user on that homeserver and an access token for that user.

    let serverinfo = ServerInfo {
        server_name: "".to_owned(), // The Matrix homeserver
        access_token : "DAx…3wo".to_owned()           // The Matrix user access token

With that, you can create a Homeserver object

    let connection = MatrixHomeserver::new(serverinfo);

and use this object to join rooms:

    let mut room = connection.join("#bottest:".to_owned());

(You need to join a room you want to interact with even if you are already joined. This is for the library to obtain the room id.)

You receive new messages with connection.get_new_messages() (which returns a Vector<String> of all messages since last called) and send messages with connection.send_message() (which takes a String).


extern crate dementia;

use dementia::{ServerInfo, LoginInfo, MatrixHomeserver, MatrixRoom};
use std::{thread, time};

fn main() {
    let serverinfo = ServerInfo {
        server_name: "".to_owned(), // The Matrix homeserver
        access_token : "DAx…3wo".to_owned()           // The Matrix user access token

    let connection = MatrixHomeserver::new(serverinfo);
    // The room must already exist
    let mut room = connection.join("#bottest:".to_owned()); 
    let five_sec = time::Duration::new(5, 0);
    loop {
        for message in connection.get_new_messages() {
            if message == "hi" {

If you don't have an access token (yet) but the server supports password authentication, you can let the library generate its own access token:

    let logininfo = LoginInfo {
        server_name: "".to_owned(),
        username : "".to_owned(),
        password : "password".to_owned()
    let connection = MatrixHomeserver::login(logininfo);