deltoid 0.3.0

A library to calculate and apply deltas to structs and enums
//! A Deltoid impl for [`Rc`] that provides extra functionality in
//! the form of delta support, de/serialization, partial equality and more.
//! [`Rc`]:

use crate::{Deltoid, DeltaResult};
use crate::convert::{FromDelta, IntoDelta};
use std::rc::{Rc};

impl<T> Deltoid for Rc<T>
where T: Deltoid + PartialEq + Clone + std::fmt::Debug
    + for<'de> serde::Deserialize<'de>
    + serde::Serialize
    type Delta = RcDelta<T>;

    fn apply_delta(&self, delta: &Self::Delta) -> DeltaResult<Self> {
        let lhs: &T = self.as_ref();
        let rhs: &<T as Deltoid>::Delta = &delta.0;

    fn delta(&self, rhs: &Self) -> DeltaResult<Self::Delta> {
        let lhs: &T = self.as_ref();
        let rhs: &T = rhs.as_ref();

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[derive(serde_derive::Deserialize, serde_derive::Serialize)]
pub struct RcDelta<T: Deltoid>(Box<<T as Deltoid>::Delta>);

impl<T> IntoDelta for Rc<T>
where T: Deltoid + IntoDelta
    + for<'de> serde::Deserialize<'de>
    + serde::Serialize
    fn into_delta(self) -> DeltaResult<<Self as Deltoid>::Delta> {
        let thing: T = self.as_ref().clone();

impl<T> FromDelta for Rc<T>
where T: Deltoid + FromDelta
    + for<'de> serde::Deserialize<'de>
    + serde::Serialize
    fn from_delta(delta: <Self as Deltoid>::Delta) -> DeltaResult<Self> {