delta_kernel 0.0.1

Core crate providing a Delta/Deltalake implementation focused on interoperability with a wide range of query engines.
# delta-kernel-rs

Delta-kernel-rs is an experimental [Delta][delta] implementation focused on
interoperability with a wide range of query engines. It currently only supports

The Delta Kernel project is a Rust and C library for building Delta connectors that
can read (and soon, write to) Delta tables without needing to understand the Delta
[protocol details][delta-protocol]. This is the Rust/C equivalent of [Java Delta Kernel][java-kernel].

## Building

To get started, install Rust via [rustup], and [just] as a command runner - then clone the repository.
Before running tests, we need to load reference data from the [Delta Acceptance Tests][dat] via:

just load-dat

Then we can build and run tests via

cargo test --features acceptance,default-client

or using just again:

just test

## Development

delta-kernel-rs is still under heavy development but follows conventions
adopted by most Rust projects.

### Architecture

See [](doc/ document (currently wip)

Some design principles which should be considered:

- async all the things, but ideally no runtime. Basically delta-core should
  have async traits and implementations, but strive to avoid the need of a
  runtime so that implementers can use tokio, smol, async-std, or whatever
  might be needed. Essentially, we want to strive to design without actually
  evaluating futures and leave that to the implementers on top of possible
- No `DeltaTable`. The initial prototype intentionally exposes the concept of
  immutable versions of tables through the snapshot API. This encourages users
  to think about the Delta table state more accurately.
- Consistently opinionated. In #delta-rs we have some object-oriented APIs and
  some builder APIs. delta-kernel-rs uses builder-style APIs and that we should
  adopt consistently through delta-core-rs
- "Simple" set of default-features enabled to provide the basic functionality
  with the least necessary amount of dependencies possible. Putting more
  complex optimizations or APIs behind feature flags
- API conventions to make it clear which operations involve I/O, e.g. fetch or
  retrieve type verbiage in method signatures.

### Tips

- When developing, `rust-analyzer` is your friend. `rustup component add rust-analyzer`
- When also developing in vscode its sometimes convenient to configure rust-anmalyzer
  in `.vscode/settings.json`.

  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "rust-analyzer.cargo.features": ["default-client", "acceptance"]

- The crate's documentation can be easily reviewed with: `cargo docs --open`
