delog 0.1.0-alpha.2

Deferred logging, an implementation and extension of Rust's standard logging facade.
name = "delog"
version = "0.1.0-alpha.2"
description = "Deferred logging, an implementation and extension of Rust's standard logging facade."
authors = ["Nicolas Stalder <>"]
license = "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
repository = ""
documentation = ""
readme = ""
categories = ["algorithms", "development-tools", "embedded", "no-std"]
keywords = ["log", "logging", "formatting"]
edition = "2018"

features = ["example"]
targets = []

log = "0.4.11"

insta = "1.3.0"

example = ["std"]
# sole reason for this is to enable `print!` in the example's `Std{err,out}Flusher`
std = []