delharc 0.2.0

A library for parsing and extracting files from LHA/LZH archives.


Crate Docs Build Status Coverage Status Minimum rustc version

A Rust library for parsing and extracting content of LHA/LZH archives.

What it does

This library provides ways to parse the content of LHA headers and allows to read files, compressed with some of the methods used by the archive format.

Files using this format usually have .lzh or .lha extensions. Some formats, such as the retro chip-tune YM format, use LHA as its default packaging method. The entire content of the Aminet has also been packaged using this format.

What it doesn't do

This library does not provide high level methods for creating files or directories from the extracted archives.


Add to Cargo.toml:

delharc = "0.2"

For more information, please see the Documentation.

Rust Version

delharc requires Rustc version 1.44 or greater due to the usage of API that was stabilized in this version.