deku 0.7.2

bit level serialization/deserialization proc-macro for structs
# Deku

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Declarative binary reading and writing

This crate provides bit-level, symmetric, serialization/deserialization
implementations for structs and enums

## Why use Deku

**Productivity**: Deku will generate symmetric reader/writer functions for your type!
Avoid the requirement of writing redundant, error-prone parsing and writing code
for binary structs or network headers

## Usage

deku = "0.7"

deku = { version = "0.7", default-features = false, features = ["alloc"] }

## Example

See [documentation]( or
[examples]( folder for more!

Read big-endian data into a struct, modify a value, and write it

use deku::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[deku(endian = "big")]
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(bits = "4")]
    field_a: u8,
    #[deku(bits = "4")]
    field_b: u8,
    field_c: u16,

let data: Vec<u8> = vec![0b0110_1001, 0xBE, 0xEF];
let (_rest, mut val) = DekuTest::from_bytes((data.as_ref(), 0)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(DekuTest {
    field_a: 0b0110,
    field_b: 0b1001,
    field_c: 0xBEEF,
}, val);

val.field_c = 0xC0FE;

let data_out = val.to_bytes().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0b0110_1001, 0xC0, 0xFE], data_out);

## Changelog

See [](