[][src]Crate deku

Deku: Declarative binary reading and writing

Deriving a struct or enum with DekuRead and DekuWrite provides bit-level, symmetric, serialization/deserialization implementations.

This allows the developer to focus on building and maintaining how the data is represented and manipulated and not on redundant, error-prone, parsing/writing code.

This approach is especially useful when dealing with binary structures such as TLVs or network protocols.

Under the hood, it makes use of the bitvec crate as the "Reader" and “Writer”

For documentation and examples on available #deku[()] attributes and features, see attributes list

For more examples, see the examples folder!


For use in no_std environments, alloc is the single feature which is required on deku.


Let's read big-endian data into a struct, with fields containing different sizes, modify a value, and write it back

use deku::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[deku(endian = "big")]
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(bits = "4")]
    field_a: u8,
    #[deku(bits = "4")]
    field_b: u8,
    field_c: u16,

let data: Vec<u8> = vec![0b0110_1001, 0xBE, 0xEF];
let (_rest, mut val) = DekuTest::from_bytes((data.as_ref(), 0)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(DekuTest {
    field_a: 0b0110,
    field_b: 0b1001,
    field_c: 0xBEEF,
}, val);

val.field_c = 0xC0FE;

let data_out = val.to_bytes().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0b0110_1001, 0xC0, 0xFE], data_out);


Deku structs/enums can be composed as long as they implement DekuRead / DekuWrite traits

use deku::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    header: DekuHeader,
    data: DekuData,

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuHeader(u8);

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuData(u16);

let data: Vec<u8> = vec![0xAA, 0xEF, 0xBE];
let (_rest, mut val) = DekuTest::from_bytes((data.as_ref(), 0)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(DekuTest {
    header: DekuHeader(0xAA),
    data: DekuData(0xBEEF),
}, val);

let data_out = val.to_bytes().unwrap();
assert_eq!(data, data_out);


Vec can be used in combination with the count attribute (T must implement DekuRead/DekuWrite)

bytes_read or bits_read can also be used instead of count to read a specific size of each.

If the length of Vec changes, the original field specified in count will not get updated. Calling .update() can be used to "update" the field!

use deku::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(update = "self.data.len()")]
    count: u8,
    #[deku(count = "count")]
    data: Vec<u8>,

let data: Vec<u8> = vec![0x02, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0xFF];
let (_rest, mut val) = DekuTest::from_bytes((data.as_ref(), 0)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(DekuTest {
    count: 0x02,
    data: vec![0xBE, 0xEF]
}, val);

let data_out = val.to_bytes().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0x02, 0xBE, 0xEF], data_out);

// Pushing an element to data

assert_eq!(DekuTest {
    count: 0x02, // Note: this value has not changed
    data: vec![0xBE, 0xEF, 0xAA]
}, val);

let data_out = val.to_bytes().unwrap();
// Note: `count` is still 0x02 while 3 bytes got written
assert_eq!(vec![0x02, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xAA], data_out);

// Use `update` to update `count`

assert_eq!(DekuTest {
    count: 0x03,
    data: vec![0xBE, 0xEF, 0xAA]
}, val);


As enums can have multiple variants, each variant must have a way to match on the incoming data.

First the "type" is read using the type, then is matched against the variants given id. What happens after is the same as structs!

This is implemented with the id, id_pat and type attributes. See these for more examples.

If no id is specified, the variant will default to it's discriminant value.

If no variant can be matched, a DekuError::Parse error will be returned.


use deku::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[deku(type = "u8")]
enum DekuTest {
    #[deku(id = "0x01")]
    #[deku(id = "0x02")]

let data: Vec<u8> = vec![0x01, 0x02, 0xEF, 0xBE];

let (rest, val) = DekuTest::from_bytes((data.as_ref(), 0)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(DekuTest::VariantA , val);

let (rest, val) = DekuTest::from_bytes(rest).unwrap();
assert_eq!(DekuTest::VariantB(0xBEEF) , val);


Child parsers can get access to the parent's parsed values using the ctx attribute

For more information see ctx attribute


use deku::prelude::*;

#[derive(DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[deku(ctx = "a: u8")]
struct Subtype {
    #[deku(map = "|b: u8| -> Result<_, DekuError> { Ok(b + a) }")]
    b: u8

#[derive(DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct Root {
    a: u8,
    #[deku(ctx = "*a")] // `a` is a reference
    sub: Subtype

let data: Vec<u8> = vec![0x01, 0x02];

let (rest, value) = Root::from_bytes((&data[..], 0)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(value.a, 0x01);
assert_eq!(value.sub.b, 0x01 + 0x02)

Internal variables and previously read fields

Along similar lines to Context variables, previously read variables are exposed and can be referenced:


struct DekuTest {
    num_items: u8,
    #[deku(count = "num_items")]
    items: Vec<u16>,

The following variables are internals which can be used in attributes accepting tokens such as reader, writer, map, count, etc.

These are provided as a convenience to the user.

Always included:

  • deku::input: (&[u8], usize) - The initial input byte slice and bit offset (available when using from_bytes)
  • deku::input_bits: &BitSlice<Msb0, u8> - The initial input in bits
  • deku::rest: &BitSlice<Msb0, u8> - Remaining bits to read
  • deku::output: &mut BitSlice<Msb0, u8> - The output bit stream

Conditionally included if referenced:

  • deku::bit_offset: usize - Current bit offset from the input
  • deku::byte_offset: usize - Current byte offset from the input


#[deku(ctx = "size: u32")]
pub struct EncodedString {
    encoding: u8,

    #[deku(count = "size as usize - deku::byte_offset")]
    data: Vec<u8>


pub use crate::error::DekuError;



A documentation-only module for #[deku] attributes


Types for context representation See ctx attribute for more information.


Error module


Crate prelude



"Reader" trait: implemented on DekuRead struct and enum containers. A container is a type which doesn't need any context information.


"Writer" trait: implemented on DekuWrite struct and enum containers. A container is a type which doesn't need any context information.


"Reader" trait: read bits and construct type


"Updater" trait: apply mutations to a type


"Writer" trait: write from type to bits

Attribute Macros


Entry function for deku_derive proc-macro This attribute macro is used to derive DekuRead and DekuWrite while removing temporary variables.

Derive Macros


Entry function for DekuRead proc-macro


Entry function for DekuWrite proc-macro