deepspeech 0.0.4

Rust bindings to Mozilla's DeepSpeech STT implementation


Rust bindings of Mozilla's DeepSpeech library.

The library is open source and performs Speech-To-Text completely offline. They provide pretrained models for English.



  1. Obtain the Deepspeech native_client library. The 0.2.0 release announcement contains precompiled libraries for various targets.
  2. Download the pretrained models from the URL and extract the zip file to some location.
  3. Add the directory where the precompiled components lie (the DeepSpeech checkout) to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH environment variables.

You can now invoke the example via:

cargo run --release --example client <path-to-model-dir> <path-to-audio-file>

It will print out the recognized sequence on stdout. The format of the audio files is important: only mono files are supported for now.

All codecs that the awesome audrey library supports are supported.

See DeepSpeech's 0.2.0 release announcement for more.

Supported versions of DeepSpeech

As of writing this, only version 0.2 of the DeepSpeech library is supported. We will always try to provide compatibility with the most recent release possible.


Licensed under Apache 2 or MIT (at your option). For details, see the LICENSE file.

All examples inside the examples/ folder are licensed under the CC-0 license.

License of your contributions

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed / CC-0 licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.