Module deepmesa_collections::bitvec::traits

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  • Converts bits to an Lsb0 ordering.
  • Converts bits to an Msb0 ordering.
  • Returns a value with some bits of self cleared.
  • Clears some bits of self.
  • Bitwise & (and), | (or) and ^ (xor) operations on the Lsb bits of self.
  • Bitwise &= (and assign), |= (or assign) and ^= (xor assign) operations on the Lsb bits of self.
  • Bitwise & (and), | (or) and ^ (xor) operations on the Msb bits of self.
  • Bitwise &= (and assign), |= (or assign) and ^= (xor assign) operations on the Msb bits of self.
  • Bitwise & (and), | (or) and ^ (xor) operations on a subset of the bits of self.
  • Bitwise &= (and assign), |= (or assign) and ^= (xor assign) operations on a subset of bits of self.
  • Bitwise ! (not) operation on the Lsb bits of self.
  • Bitwise != (not assign) operation on the Lsb bits of self.
  • Bitwise ! (not) operation on the Msb bits of self.
  • Bitwise != (not assign) operation on the Msb bits of self.
  • Bitwise ! (not) operation on a subset of the bits of self.
  • Bitwise != (not assign) operation on a subset of the bits of self.