Trait decorum::Real[][src]

pub trait Real: Copy + Neg<Output = Self> + Num + NumCast + PartialOrd {
    fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn is_sign_positive(self) -> bool;
fn is_sign_negative(self) -> bool;
fn signum(self) -> Self;
fn abs(self) -> Self;
fn floor(self) -> Self;
fn ceil(self) -> Self;
fn round(self) -> Self;
fn trunc(self) -> Self;
fn fract(self) -> Self;
fn recip(self) -> Self;
fn mul_add(self, a: Self, b: Self) -> Self;
fn abs_sub(self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn powi(self, n: i32) -> Self;
fn powf(self, n: Self) -> Self;
fn sqrt(self) -> Self;
fn cbrt(self) -> Self;
fn exp(self) -> Self;
fn exp2(self) -> Self;
fn exp_m1(self) -> Self;
fn log(self, base: Self) -> Self;
fn ln(self) -> Self;
fn log2(self) -> Self;
fn log10(self) -> Self;
fn ln_1p(self) -> Self;
fn hypot(self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn sin(self) -> Self;
fn cos(self) -> Self;
fn tan(self) -> Self;
fn asin(self) -> Self;
fn acos(self) -> Self;
fn atan(self) -> Self;
fn atan2(self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn sin_cos(self) -> (Self, Self);
fn sinh(self) -> Self;
fn cosh(self) -> Self;
fn tanh(self) -> Self;
fn asinh(self) -> Self;
fn acosh(self) -> Self;
fn atanh(self) -> Self; }

A value that can represent a real number.

Provides values and operations that generally apply to real numbers.

Required Methods
