decompress 0.3.0

Extracting archives made easy
//! Decompress an archive, supporting multiple format and stripping path
//! prefixes
//! ## Usage
//! You can use the default `decompress` stack:
//! ```ignore
#![doc = include_str!("../examples/")]
//! ```
//! Or build your own stack:
//! ```ignore
#![doc = include_str!("../examples/")]
//! ```
//! __NOTE__: to include or exclude [decompressors] types, use `--features` and disable default.
//! This in turn removes or includes the (costly) dependencies these features need.
pub mod decompressors;

use derive_builder::Builder;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::{convert::Infallible, io, path::Path};
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum DecompressError {
    #[error("could not decompress: `{0}`")]
    IO(#[from] io::Error),

    #[error("could not decompress: `{0}`")]

    #[error("could not decompress: `{0}`")]
    Infallible(#[from] Infallible),

    #[error("no compressor found")]

pub type FilterFn = dyn Fn(&Path) -> bool;
pub type MapFn = dyn Fn(&Path) -> Cow<'_, Path>;

#[builder(pattern = "owned")]
pub struct ExtractOpts {
    pub strip: usize,

    #[builder(setter(custom), default = "Box::new(|_| true)")]
    pub filter: Box<FilterFn>,

    #[builder(setter(custom), default = "Box::new(|path| Cow::from(path))")]
    pub map: Box<MapFn>,

impl ExtractOptsBuilder {
    /// Given a predicate, filter a path in.
    pub fn filter(mut self, value: impl Fn(&Path) -> bool + 'static) -> Self {
        self.filter = Some(Box::new(value));
    /// Given a mapping function, transform a path into a different or similar path
    pub fn map(mut self, value: impl Fn(&Path) -> Cow<'_, Path> + 'static) -> Self { = Some(Box::new(value));

pub struct Decompression {
    pub id: &'static str,
    pub files: Vec<String>,

pub struct Listing {
    pub id: &'static str,
    pub entries: Vec<String>,

/// `Decompressor` is a trait that you can implement to add your own decompressor type.
/// A `Decompressor` is inserted into a stack, where given a potential archive file,
/// many decompressors may attempt to test if they're capable of unpacking it.
/// The first `Decompressor` which will test true will be the one selected to unpack.
/// It is _recommended_ to let a user pick a regex for testing against a `Path`, although
/// there is no limit to what you can do, as long as a user can override the Decompressor
/// decision when building a custom stack.
pub trait Decompressor {
    /// Test if this `Decompressor` can unpack an archive, given a path.
    /// The convention is to use `Regex` internally to test a path, because this is
    /// a convenient way for end users to override the behavior.
    /// You may choose to implement a different, but configurable, testing strategy.
    fn test(&self, archive: &Path) -> bool;

    /// List an archive
    /// # Errors
    /// This function will return an error if unpacking fails.
    fn list(&self, archive: &Path) -> Result<Listing, DecompressError>;

    /// Decompress an archive
    /// # Errors
    /// This function will return an error if unpacking fails.
    fn decompress(
        archive: &Path,
        to: &Path,
        opts: &ExtractOpts,
    ) -> Result<Decompression, DecompressError>;

/// Represent a stack of decompressors with a default stack preconfigured when calling `new`
pub struct Decompress {
    decompressors: Vec<Box<dyn Decompressor>>,

impl Default for Decompress {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            decompressors: vec![
                #[cfg(feature = "zip")]
                #[cfg(feature = "targz")]
                #[cfg(feature = "tarball")]
                #[cfg(feature = "tarxz")]
                #[cfg(feature = "tarbz")]
                #[cfg(feature = "tarzst")]
                // order is important, `gz` is placed only after the targz variant did not match
                // if it's placed above targz, it will unpack and leave a tar archive.
                #[cfg(feature = "gz")]
                #[cfg(feature = "ar")]
                #[cfg(feature = "bz2")]
                #[cfg(feature = "xz")]
                #[cfg(feature = "zstd")]

impl Decompress {
    /// Build given a custom stack of decompressors
    pub fn build(decompressors: Vec<Box<dyn Decompressor>>) -> Self {
        Self { decompressors }

    /// List
    /// # Errors
    /// This function will return an error if an IO or parsing error happened
    pub fn list<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, archive: P) -> Result<Listing, DecompressError> {
        if let Some(dec) = self
            .find(|dec| dec.test(archive.as_ref()))
            return dec.list(archive.as_ref());
    /// Decompress
    /// # Errors
    /// This function will return an error if an IO or parsing error happened
    pub fn decompress<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        archive: P,
        to: P,
        opts: &ExtractOpts,
    ) -> Result<Decompression, DecompressError> {
        if let Some(dec) = self
            .find(|dec| dec.test(archive.as_ref()))
            return dec.decompress(archive.as_ref(), to.as_ref(), opts);

    /// Returns `true` if any of the decompressors in the stack can decompress this
    /// specific archive
    pub fn can_decompress<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, archive: P) -> bool {
            .any(|dec| dec.test(archive.as_ref()))

/// Decompress an archive with default decompressor set up
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error if IO or parsing failed
pub fn decompress<P: AsRef<Path>>(
    archive: P,
    to: P,
    opts: &ExtractOpts,
) -> Result<Decompression, DecompressError> {
    Decompress::default().decompress(archive, to, opts)

/// List an archive with default decompressor set up
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error if IO or parsing failed
pub fn list<P: AsRef<Path>>(archive: P) -> Result<Listing, DecompressError> {