[][src]Module declarative_dataflow::plan::hector

Worst-case optimal, n-way joins.

This is an extended implementation of Delta-BiGJoin, by Ammar, McSherry, Salihoglu, and Joglekar (paper).

The overall structure and the CollectionExtender implementation is adapted from: https://github.com/frankmcsherry/differential-dataflow/tree/master/dogsdogsdogs



A plan stage joining two source relations on the specified variables. Throws if any of the join variables isn't bound by both sources.



Orders the variables s.t. each has at least one binding from itself to a prior variable. source_binding indicates the binding from which we will source the prefixes in the resulting delta pipeline. Returns the chosen variable order and the corresponding binding order.


Bindings can be in conflict with the source binding of a given delta pipeline. We need to identify them and handle them as special cases, because we always have to start from prefixes of size two.