deckster 0.2.1

Tui to study flashcards in the terminal


Spaced repetition in the terminal. Inspired by Anki and uses a modified SM2 algorithm.

Only supports Unix systems.



Depends on having the rust compiler. Rust can be installed from your package manager, if not see here.

Manual installation:

git clone
cd deckster
make install

Using Cargo :

cargo install deckster.

Note: make sure ".cargo/bin/" is in your path.


deckster [flag] [arg]

# for help: deckster -h

Cards should be saved in TOML format. It makes it easier to read and write cards in your favourite editor.

See deckster -s

Only text is supported. Users could add urls to Q/A fields and use their terminal to grab them and open multimedia content.


SPACE   :   Reveal answer. When pressed again reveals rating options.
RETURN  :   Submit rating and move to the next card.
l/RIGHT :   Select next rating option.
h/LEFT  :   Select previous rating option.
q/ESC   :   Exit application.


I'd love to hear from you ! Please file issues with bug reports or ( minimalist ) feature suggestions.