Macro debug_tree::add_branch_to[][src]

macro_rules! add_branch_to {
    ($tree:expr) => { ... };
    ($tree:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Adds a scoped branch to given tree with the given text and formatting arguments The branch will be exited at the end of the current block.


  • tree - The tree that the leaf should be added to
  • text... - Formatted text arguments, as per format!(...).


use debug_tree::{TreeBuilder, add_branch_to, add_leaf_to};
fn main() {
    let tree = TreeBuilder::new();
        add_branch_to!(tree, "New {}", "Branch"); // _branch enters scope
        // tree is now pointed inside new branch.
        add_leaf_to!(tree, "Child of {}", "Branch");
        // Block ends, so tree exits the current branch.
    add_leaf_to!(tree, "Sibling of {}", "Branch");
New Branch
└╼ Child of Branch
Sibling of Branch" , &tree.string());