Macro debug_plotter::plot[][src]

macro_rules! plot {
    ($($($variable : ident) ? $(($x : ident, $y : ident)) ? $(as $name : literal)
   ?), * $(,) ? $(where $($key : ident = $value : expr), * $(,) ?) ?) => { ... };
Expand description

This macro is used to quickly generate plots for a list of variables. All types that implement num_traits::cast::ToPrimitive can be plotted.

The macro takes a list of variables. By default, the value of the variable is mapped to the y axis, and the x axis shows the iteration number.

debug_plotter::plot!(a, b, c);

It is possible to pass a tuple if you want the x axis to be another value instead of the iteration number.

debug_plotter::plot!((x, a), (x, b), (x, c));

It is also possible to rename variables in the legend using the keyword as.

debug_plotter::plot!(a as "Alice", b as "Bob", c as "Charlie");

It is possible to provide additional options for the plot after a where keyword.

debug_plotter::plot!(a, b, c where caption = "My Caption");

The following table lists all available options.

IdentifierExample ValueDescription
caption"caption"Sets the caption of the plot.
size(400, 300)Sets the size of the resulting image.
x_desc"x description"Sets the description of the x axis.
y_desc"y description"Sets the description of the y axis.
path"/plots/my_plot.jpg"Defines where the plot is saved.
x_range0f64..100f64Defines start and end of the x axis.
y_range0f64..100f64Defines start and end of the y axis.