debug-here 0.1.1

A macro to shave precious seconds off the time it takes to start debugging.

debug-here: a rust-gdb hook, inspired by pdb.set_trace()

The Problem

Debuggers are a great way to examine the state of a program you are trying to understand, but actually beginning to use one can have a bit of ceremony involved. You have to figure out the name of the executable you care about. This can be harder than it might initially seem if you are running your program through several layers of scripts that someone else wrote, or even that you wrote. Once you've got your executable name you have to start it with rust-gdb exe (if you use a wrapper script, you have to arrange for your script to do so). Now that you've started your program under gdb you have to set your break point. b works if the code has been statically linked (fortunately it usually has in rust), but you might have to first do b main; run; b; c instead. Now you are ready to debug. It's not that much work, but I find myself doing it a fair amount, so it can get annoying.

One alternative is to arrange for your program to enter some sort of sleep or looping state, rummage around for the PID on the command line, then attach with gdb -pid. Usually this ends up being a bit more work (again, not much work, but enough to be annoying), so people only do it if it is not convenient to launch the program in question from the terminal.

Isn't Python Slick?

Python is my goto scripting language, and by far my favorite thing about the language is pdb, the debugger that lives in its standard library. My development workflow for python involves writing the script up to the point where I no longer know the APIs that I need to use, then dropping a pdb.set_trace() call into my code and running it. Python automatically drops me into a full REPL with all the program state to that point just lying around. I poke around for a bit, then write the next chunk of code. You might call this debugger driven development. When I'm debugging python I do something similar by inserting pdb.set_trace() directly into my code wherever something seems interesting. It's the single most ergonomic language or ecosystem feature that I've ever used.

Making getting to the debugger easier in rust

rust-gdb isn't yet powerful enough to support the sort of debugger driven development that I love to use in Python, but it's not that hard to reduce the amount of effort required to enter a debugger. This crate just automates the process of convincing your program to wait around for a debugger to attach to it. Entering the debugger should be just as easy as writing a println! statement. This crate makes it so.

What about visual debuggers?

Some people love visual debuggers, and if you are one of them thats great! Right click > Add breakpoint is pretty fast. If you are a visual debugger kind of person, this crate probably isn't for you. Personally, I've never used a visual gdb wrapper that I was able to fully trust. I've even had enough bad experiences with TUI mode that I now prefer just the plain old command line interface.


First, you need the debug-here gdb wrapper installed. xterm does not let you pass extra arguments to the program you invoke as your shell, so debug-here-gdb-wrapper will arrange for rust-gdb to execute all the right gdb commands.

cargo install debug-here-gdb-wrapper

Now you can add debug-here to the dependencies of a crate you want to work on.

debug-here = "0.1"

Drop the usual extern crate debug_here; somewhere in your or, then place #[macro_use] debug_here; in the module you want to debug and just write debug_here!() wherever you want to get dropped into the debugger. When your program reaches that point for the first time, it will launch an xterm window with rust-gdb attached to your process right after the debug_here!() macro. You can poke around and start stepping through your program. If you reach another debug_here!() macro invocation, you don't have to worry about more gdb terminals spawing left and right. debug_here!() only fires once per program.

An Example: Bad Factorials

I have a very important rust program called debug-me which computes the factorial of 5. Or at least its supposed to. Right now it is telling me that the factorial of 5 is 0, which doesn't seem right. Here is my

fn factorial(n: usize) -> usize {
    let mut res = 1;
    for i in 0..n {
        res *= i;

fn main() {
    println!("The factorial of 5 is {}!", factorial(5));

You can probably see the problem, but I can't because I'm helpless without a debugger. In order to figure out what is going on, I'm going to pull in debug-here to help me out. First, I'll make sure that the debug-here gdb shim is installed with cargo install debug-here-gdb-wrapper. Now, I'll add debug-here to my factorial crate's Cargo.toml.

debug-here = "0.1"

And I'll add the line

#[macro_use] extern crate debug_here;

to my source file. Now it looks like this:

#[macro_use] extern crate debug_here;

fn factorial(n: usize) -> usize {
    let mut res = 1;
    for i in 0..n {
        res *= i;

fn main() {
    println!("The factorial of 5 is {}!", factorial(5));

My loop is definitely counting up and multiplying the result variable by bigger and bigger numbers. I feel like it should work, but I'm going to step through the loop a few times to see what's going on. Time to set my breakpoint with debug-here.

#[macro_use] extern crate debug_here;

fn factorial(n: usize) -> usize {
    let mut res = 1;
    for i in 0..n {
        res *= i;

fn main() {
    println!("The factorial of 5 is {}!", factorial(5));

As easy as println!! Now I run my program with cargo run. An xterm window pops up with a gdb shell that says:

debug_me::factorial (n=5) at debug-me/src/
6           for i in 0..n {

Looking at my source code, it seems like res is an interesting variable to keep track of, so I'll ask gdb to keep me informed.

(gdb) disp res
1: res = 1

Now, I'll step through the loop a few times.

(gdb) n
7               res *= i;
1: res = 1
(gdb) n
6           for i in 0..n {
1: res = 0
(gdb) n
7               res *= i;
1: res = 0

It looks like res went to 0 in the first loop iteration. Looking back at the source, I can see that this is because the counter starts at 0. I'll quit out of the debugger and fix it.

If you want to play with this example yourself, you can just clone the repo at and run the following commands:

 > cargo install debug-here-gdb-wrapper # if you haven't already done so
 > cd debug-here/debug-me
 > cargo run

You should see an xterm pop up with a rust-gdb shell ready to go. There is another bug in the factorial routine. Try debugging it with rust-gdb.


Right now debug-here only works on linux with rust-gdb. There might be support for macOS and rust-lldb in the future. Windows support is a bit less likely because I don't understand the moving pieces as well, but that could change.