debil 0.5.0

Lightweight ORM for Rust
# debil [![debil at]]

ORM aims to provide Table macro and auto migration

## Table macro

You need to specify `sql_type` to be something that each DB crate provides.

#[sql(table_name = "ex_1", sql_type = "...", primary_key = "pk")]
struct Ex1 {
    #[sql(size = 50, unique = true, not_null = true)]
    field1: String,
    aaaa: i32,
    pk: i32,

This example derives some useful mapper functions for this struct. See functions in [debil's docs](

## Accessor macro

Accessor macro provides safe way to access to each column. This is useful for constructing a query.

// Use Accessor derive here!
#[derive(Table, Accessor)]
#[sql(table_name = "ex_1", sql_type = "...", primary_key = "pk")]
struct Ex1 {
    field1: String,
    aaaa: i32,
    pk: i32,

// Use accessor! macro to access to a field with table_name prefixed
assert_eq!(accessor!(Ex1::field1), "ex_1.field1");

// If you only need field name, use accessor_name! macro
assert_eq!(accessor_name!(Ex1::aaaa), "aaaa");

// Or you can just call the field name function directly, which is derived by Accessor derive
assert_eq!(Ex1::field1(), "field1");

// accessor!(Ex1::foobar) <- compile error!