deadwiki 0.1.4

dead simple personal wiki
<img src="./static/rip.gif" alt="R.I.P." height="200" align="left">

# deadwiki

**deadwiki** is a Markdown-powered wiki that uses your filesystem as
its db. This means you can keep your wiki in a git repository and edit
content with your text editor, or read and modify pages _with style_
using its 1990s-era web interface.


There are three built-in ways to access your deadwiki:

- Run the local webserver and use the static HTML UI.
- Run a native WebView app that wraps the UI.
- Just use your filesystem. Regular Markdown files. `cat`, `ls`, etc.

## ~ status ~

Very barebones, no native app yet. Under construction!

## ~ getting started ~

To begin, create an empty directory or find one already populated with
`.md` files. This is your deadwiki. Simply point the CLI utility at it
to get going:

    dead my-wiki-dir/
    -> deadwiki serving my-wiki-dir/ at

Now visit that URL in your browser! (Or don't. It's up to you.)

You can edit wiki pages locally with something like `vim`, or by using
the web UI. Edits show up instantly, as do new pages - there is no
database and no fancy pantsy caching. Just you, your filesystem, and a

In addition to [CommonMark], Markdown files can link to each other by
putting the `[Page Name]` in brackets. Like most wikis, it'll either
be a link to the actual page or a way to create it.

## ~ keyboard shortcuts ~

Wiki editing uses [SimpleMDE], so check out their [keyboard

In addition, if you're in the web UI you can use these:

| **Shortcut**   | **Notes**                        |
| -------------- | -------------------------------- |
| `Double Click` | Enters edit mode for a wiki page |
| `ESC`          | Exits edit mode                  |
| `Ctrl+Enter`   | Submits your edits               |
| `Cmd+Enter`    | Same                             |

## ~ installation ~

Hey, how do I get that handy dandy `dead` CLI utility? With [cargo]:

    cargo install deadwiki

Now you should be able to run `dead -h` to see the possibilities.
