ddshow 0.2.2

Timely and Differential dataflow log analysis and vizualization
use crossbeam_channel::{Receiver, Sender, TryRecvError};
use differential_dataflow::{
    difference::{Abelian, Semigroup},
    Collection, Data,
use std::{collections::HashMap, fmt::Debug, hash::Hash, mem, num::NonZeroUsize};
use timely::{
        operators::capture::{Event, EventPusher, Extract},

use crate::dataflow::utils::{Diff, XXHasher};

pub trait OperatorExt<G, D, R> {
    fn distinct_named<N: AsRef<str>, R2: Abelian + From<i8>>(&self, name: N) -> Collection<G, D, R2>
        Self: Threshold<G, D, R>,
        G: Scope,
        G::Timestamp: Lattice,
        D: Data,
        R: Semigroup,
        self.threshold_named(name.as_ref(), |_, _| R2::from(1i8))

impl<G: Scope, D: Data, R: Semigroup> OperatorExt<G, D, R> for Collection<G, D, R> {}

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CrossbeamPusher<T>(Sender<T>);

impl<T> CrossbeamPusher<T> {
    pub const fn new(sender: Sender<T>) -> Self {

impl<T, D> EventPusher<T, D> for CrossbeamPusher<Event<T, D>> {
    fn push(&mut self, event: Event<T, D>) {
        // Ignore errors in sending events across the channel
        let _ = self.0.send(event);

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CrossbeamExtractor<T>(Receiver<T>);

impl<T> CrossbeamExtractor<T> {
    pub const fn new(receiver: Receiver<T>) -> Self {

impl<T, D> CrossbeamExtractor<Event<T, (D, T, Diff)>>
    T: Debug + Ord + Hash + Clone,
    D: Debug + Ord + Hash + Clone,
    /// Extracts in a non-blocking manner, exerting fuel for any data pulled from the channel
    /// and returning when the fuel is exhausted or the channel is empty. Returns `true` if
    /// channel's sending side disconnects and `false` otherwise
    pub fn extract_with_fuel(
        fuel: &mut Fuel,
        sink: &mut HashMap<D, Diff, XXHasher>,
        consumed: &mut ChangeBatch<T>,
    ) -> bool {
        while !fuel.is_exhausted() {
            // Exert one fuel for the channel receive

            match self.0.try_recv() {
                // Throw all data into the given `sink`
                Ok(Event::Messages(time, mut data)) => {
                        target: "extracted_data",
                        time = ?time,
                        data = ?data,
                        "extracted {} events",

                    // `.sort_unstable_by()` is `O(n * log(n))` so we get a *very* rough estimate
                    // of the sort call's complexity to let us exert effort roughly proportional
                    // to the work we've actually done
                    // n * log₁₀(n) = n * ((64 - clz(n)) / 3)
                    let complexity =
                        data.len() * ((64 - data.len().leading_zeros() as u64) as usize / 3);

                    // Sort the given data by timestamp, this vaguely protects us
                    // against {over, under}flows caused by out-of-order updates
                    // but may not be strictly necessary
                    data.sort_unstable_by_key(|(_, time, _)| time.clone());

                    // Add all the data to the given sink
                    for (data, _time, diff) in data {
                        sink.entry(data).and_modify(|d| *d += &diff).or_insert(diff);

                // We pretty much ignore progress events here, no idea if that's bad or not
                Ok(Event::Progress(progress)) => consumed.extend(progress.into_iter()),

                // If the channel is empty then break
                Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => break,

                // If the sending side disconnects then return
                Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => return true,

        // If we've got some spare fuel around, do some maintenance on the sink
        // by removing all values with weights of zero
        // Note that this only removes entries with weights *exactly* equal to zero,
        // entries with negative weights won't be touched
        if !fuel.is_exhausted() {
            // Exert fuel for each entry in the sink since `.retain()` visits all of them

            // Only retain entries where the weight is zero
            sink.retain(|_, diff| !diff.is_zero());

            // If we've got a bunch of extra allocated capacity, drop it all
            // to keep our memory usage from exploding. This is overly
            // aggressive but there's not an alternative until `.shrink_to()`
            // stabilizes.
            if sink.capacity() > sink.len() * 2 {


    pub fn extract_all(self) -> Vec<D> {
        let mut data = HashMap::with_hasher(XXHasher::default());
        for (event, _time, diff) in self.extract().into_iter().flat_map(|(_, data)| data) {
                .and_modify(|d| *d += &diff)

            // FIXME: For some events this actually matters, the diff info should be kept
            .filter_map(|(data, diff)| if !diff.is_zero() { Some(data) } else { None })

impl<T: Ord, D: Ord> Extract<T, D> for CrossbeamExtractor<Event<T, D>> {
    fn extract(self) -> Vec<(T, Vec<D>)> {
        let mut result = Vec::new();
        for event in self.0.try_iter() {
            if let Event::Messages(time, data) = event {
                result.push((time, data));
        result.sort_by(|(ts1, _), (ts2, _)| ts1.cmp(ts2));

        let mut current = 0;
        for i in 1..result.len() {
            if result[current].0 == result[i].0 {
                let data = mem::take(&mut result[i].1);
            } else {
                current = i;

        result.retain(|(_, data)| !data.is_empty());
        for &mut (_, ref mut data) in &mut result {


#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum Fuel {
    Limited { fuel: usize, default: NonZeroUsize },

impl Fuel {
    pub const fn limited(fuel: NonZeroUsize) -> Self {
        Self::Limited {
            fuel: fuel.get(),
            default: fuel,

    pub const fn unlimited() -> Self {

    pub const fn is_unlimited(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Self::Unlimited)

    pub fn exert(&mut self, effort: usize) -> bool {
        if let Self::Limited { fuel, .. } = self {
            *fuel = fuel.saturating_sub(effort);
            *fuel == 0
        } else {

    pub const fn is_exhausted(&self) -> bool {
        match *self {
            Self::Unlimited => false,
            Self::Limited { fuel, .. } => fuel == 0,

    pub fn reset(&mut self) {
        if let Self::Limited { fuel, default } = self {
            *fuel = default.get();

    pub const fn remaining(&self) -> Option<usize> {
        if let Self::Limited { fuel, default } = *self {
            Some(default.get() - fuel)
        } else {

    pub const fn used(&self) -> Option<usize> {
        if let Self::Limited { fuel, default } = *self {
            Some(default.get() - (default.get() - fuel))
        } else {

macro_rules! located {
    ($name:expr, $caller:expr) => {{
        let caller: &::core::panic::Location = $caller;
            "{} @ {}:{}:{}",

    ($name:expr) => {{
        let caller = ::core::panic::Location::caller();
            "{} @ {}:{}:{}",