ddg 0.5.0

An ORM for DuckDuckGo.

ddg: A DuckDuckGo Instant Answers wrapper library.

This library provides a strongly typed wrapper around the DuckDuckGo Instant Answers API. Most of the documentation comes from the DuckDuckGo Instant Answers API Documentation This library comes with reqwest by default for convenience, however it can be disabled. If disabled the library will fallback to hyper for IntoUrl so it can be used with your own hyper client implementation.


use ddg::Query;
const APP_NAME: &'static str = "ddg_example_app";
// Search for Rust and we want to strip out any HTML content in the answers.
let query = Query::new("Rust", APP_NAME).no_html();

let response = query.execute().unwrap();

println!("{:?}", response);