dci 0.3.0

DCI-Closed, a frequent closed itemset mining algorithm, implemented in Rust
# DCI-Closed

DCI-Closed, a frequent closed itemset mining algorithm, implemented in Rust.


## Features

- Two flavors: sequential and parallel.
- Dataset generic: you can use your own dataset type.
- Optional [bitmatrix]https://docs.rs/bitmatrix dataset support.
- No unsafe code.

## Background

The implementation is based on the [original paper](http://hpc.isti.cnr.it/~claudio/papers/2004_FIMI_dci_closed.pdf),
by Lucchese, C. et al. The parallel flavor is a trivial [Rayon](https://docs.rs/rayon/)
spin of the original algorithm.

## Changelog
- 0.3.0:  
Bugfix: report the closed set of all items which occur in all transactions.  
Replace vector return type with boxed slice.
- 0.2.0: Add `Into<BitMatrix>` implementation for `Matrix`.
- 0.1.0: Initial version.

## Licence

`dci` is licenced under the [MIT Licence](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).