dbus-tokio 0.5.1

Makes it possible to use Tokio with D-Bus, which is a bus commonly used on Linux for inter-process communication.

Tokio integration for D-Bus

This is an intermediate version:

The connection module uses the futures-preview crate, std::future, and can bind to both Tokio 0.1 and 0.2. Run it with the nightly feature to have the connection module bind to Tokio 0.2, and without this feature to bind to Tokio 0.1. The Tokio 0.2 connection is what will be supported in future versions. At the moment, this is a WIP, and only client side code is up and working.

The other structs (ADriver, AMethodCall, tree module) will bind to Tokio 0.1 and the old futures 0.1. They will be removed when Tokio 0.2 is stable.

See the examples for how to get started.