dbus-crossroads 0.2.0

Framework for writing D-Bus method handlers
[![API documentation](https://docs.rs/dbus-crossroads/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/dbus-crossroads)

dbus-crossroads is a library that helps you implement interfaces on object paths, i e
"server side" method handler code.

To get started, you can jump into the commented examples,
one for [sync](https://github.com/diwic/dbus-rs/blob/master/dbus-crossroads/examples/server_cr.rs)
one for [async (dbus-tokio)](https://github.com/diwic/dbus-rs/blob/master/dbus-tokio/examples/tokio02_server_cr.rs),
and one [slightly more advanced](https://github.com/diwic/dbus-rs/blob/master/dbus-tokio/examples/tokio_adv_server_cr.rs),
or familiarize yourself using [the API reference](https://docs.rs/dbus-crossroads).

It supersedes the `dbus::tree` module. Design decisions (compared to `dbus::tree`):

 * First class support for both sync and async methods
 * Detect method arguments automatically through generics
 * ...but less generics in structs you use, which means less cluttered API
 * The tree/crossroads instance is `Send` (but not `Sync`).
 * You can now modify the instance from within a method handler
 * It is objects (paths) that can contain custom data, and they can contain different data for different objects
 * Interface descriptions are kept in a registry, which means less reference counting