dbus-codegen 0.3.0

Binary crate to generate Rust code from XML introspection data
# dbus-codegen-rust

This program takes D-Bus XML Introspection data and generates Rust code for calling and implementing the interfaces in the introspection data.

## Example

From a D-Bus interface like this:

        <interface name="org.example.test">
            <method name="Foo">
                <arg type="i" name="bar" direction="in"/>
                <arg type="s" name="baz" direction="out"/>
            <signal name="Laundry">
                <arg type="b" name="eaten"/>

This code will generate a few things.

## Common for client and server sides

 * A trait for calling/implementing the methods of the interfaces, like this:

pub trait OrgExampleTest {
    type Err;
    fn foo(&self, bar: i32) -> Result<String, Self::Err>;

For properties, `get_xx` and `set_xx` methods will be generated. There is currently no `get_all` method.

 * A struct for each signal, like this:

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct OrgExampleTestLaundry {
    pub eaten: bool,

impl dbus::SignalArgs for OrgExampleTestLaundry { /* code here */ }

## Client side

 * The trait will be implemented for `ConnPath`, which makes methods easy to call for a client, like this:

use OrgExampleTest;
let myString = try!(myConnPath.foo(myInteger));

 * To help catch signals emitted from the server, you can use `match_str` and `from_message`, like this:

use SignalArgs;
myConnection.add_match(OrgExampleTestLaundry::match_str(None, None));
for msg in myConnection.incoming(1000) {
    if let Some(laundrySignal) = OrgExampleTestLaundry::from_message(&msg) {
        println!("Laundry was eaten: {:?}", laundrySignal.eaten);

## Server side

 * A method will be generated, which you can call to get a `tree::Interface`, like this:

myInterface = orgexampletest_server(&myFactory, ());

This interface can then be added to a `tree::ObjectPath`, as shown in the [main page](../README.md#server).

In addition, you also need to implement the interface's methods, like this:

impl OrgExampleTest for MyStruct {
    type Err = tree::MethodErr;
    fn foo(&self, bar: i32) -> Result<String, Self::Err> {
        /* Your code here */

I've been experimenting with different ways of how to make the generated server function reach the implementing struct,
this is controlled by the command line parameter `methodaccess`.

 1. If `methodaccess` is `MethodInfo`, then you need to implement the interface for the `MethodInfo` struct, like this:

impl<M: tree::MethodType<D>, D> OrgExampleTest for tree::MethodInfo<M, D> {
    type Err = tree::MethodErr;
    fn foo(&self, bar: i32) -> Result<String, Self::Err> {
        /* Your code here */

 2. If `methodaccess` is `RefClosure`, then you need to supply a closure that returns a reference to the implementing struct.
This is a good option if the struct is stored in tree (this means implementing `tree::DataType`). 

myInterface = orgexampletest_server(&myFactory, (), |m| m.path.get_data());

 3. If `methodaccess` is `AsRefClosure`, then you need to supply a closure that returns an object which can reference to the implementing struct.
The object is dropped after the method is called. This works well with `Arc`/`Rc`, like this:

let myRc = Rc::new(myStruct);
myInterface = orgexampletest_server(&myFactory, (), move |_| myRc.clone());

There is also a `methodtype` parameter that controls whether the server function will work well with `MTFn`, `MTFnMut` or `MTSync` trees,
or all three (called `Generic`). Or not generate a server function at all (`None`).

 * To emit a signal, you can call `SignalArgs::to_emit_message` or `ConnPath::emit` to get a message which can be sent over the connection.

# Usage

Once you have installed dbus-codegen-rust, use the following command to import your XML:

dbus-codegen-rust < mydefinition.xml

This will print the generated Rust code to stdout, so you can pipe it into another file if you want:

dbus-codegen-rust < mydefinition.xml > mod.rs

Dbus-codegen-rust can also fetch the xml definition for you. Here's an example that generates client definitions for PolicyKit:

dbus-codegen-rust -s -d org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 -p "/org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/Authority" -m None > policykit.rs

See available options:

dbus-codegen-rust --help