dbmigrate 0.2.2

CLI tool to create and run SQL migrations. Postgres and MySQL supported.
dbmigrate-0.2.2 is not a library.


Build Status

A tool to create and manage SQL migrations.

Databases supported

  • Postgres
  • MySQL


Every call to dbmigrate requires 2 arguments: database url and migrations folder. Those can be set through environment variables: DBMIGRATE_URL and DBMIGRATE_PATH or as args to a call. Argument will override an environment variable.

# create a migration file
dbmigrate --url postgres://.. --path ./migrations create my_name
# apply all non applied migrations
dbmigrate --url postgres://.. --path ./migrations up
# un-apply all migrations
dbmigrate --url postgres://.. --path ./migrations down
# redo the last migration
dbmigrate --url postgres://.. --path ./migrations redo
# revert the last migration
dbmigrate --url postgres://.. --path ./migrations revert
# see list of migrations and which one is currently applied
dbmigrate --url postgres://.. --path ./migrations status

The format of the migration files is the following:


You can also pass a tring to create and dbmigrate will slugify it for you:

dbmigrate --url postgres://.. --path ./migrations create "change currency table"

# gives the following files

. (dot) is not allowed in a migration name as it is the filename separator character.


  • find a way to do integration testing on travis + rust (use a python script?)


This is heavily inspired by https://github.com/mattes/migrate.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.