dataplotlib 0.1.3

dataplotlib is a(n early stage) hassle-free library for plotting data
//! **plotbuilder** provides the `struct`s that organize the plot data, plus some helper functions
//! It is recommended to use `PlotBuilder2D::simple_xy` rather than manually instantiating the `PlotBuilder2D` struct,
//! but feel free to approach this in the most ergonomic fashion for you.

use std::marker::Sync;

pub type PlotFn = &'static (Fn(f64) -> f64 + Sync);
pub type AnimFn = &'static (Fn(f64, f64) -> f64 + Sync);

/// `PlotVals2D` provides all of the value data for an individual plot
/// Note: Only `Xy()` and `XyColor()` do anything at the moment
pub enum PlotVals2D {
    /// A simple x-y value line plot... now in a color of your choice!
    XyColor([f32; 4], Vec<(f64, f64)>),

    /// A custom function with a color
    FunColor([f32; 4], PlotFn),

    /// A custom animation curve with a color
    AnimFunColor([f32; 4], AnimFn),

/// `PlotBuilder2D` contains all of the necessary information to create a
/// series of stacked 2 dimensional plots. For the moment, only provide one
/// `PlotVals2D`, otherwise things will probably go poorly.
pub struct PlotBuilder2D {
    /// **pvs** contains the **P**lot **V** alue **s**
    pub pvs: Vec<PlotVals2D>,

    /// **min_x** optionally defines the lower x bound. If `None`, it will be auto determined.
    pub min_x: Option<f64>,

    /// **max_x** optionally defines the upper x bound. If `None`, it will be auto determined.
    pub max_x: Option<f64>,

    /// **min_y** optionally defines the lower y bound. If `None`, it will be auto determined.
    pub min_y: Option<f64>,

    /// **max_y** optionally defines the upper y bound. If `None`, it will be auto determined.
    pub max_y: Option<f64>,

    /// A string to label the x-axis. (not implemented)
    pub x_label: Option<String>,

    /// A string to label the y-axis. (not implemented)
    pub y_label: Option<String>,

    /// A string to label the chart. (not implemented)
    pub title: Option<String>,

    /// Whether or not to draw the y-axis. (not implemented)
    pub y_axis: bool,

    /// Whether or not to draw the gridlines on the y-axis. (not implemented)
    pub y_gridlines: bool,

    /// Whether or not to draw the x-axis. (not implemented)
    pub x_axis: bool,

    /// Whether or not to draw the gridlines on the x-axis. (not implemented)
    pub x_gridlines: bool,

    /// The font file to use for any text. (not implemented)
    pub font_path: String,

const DEFAULT_FONT: &'static str = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf";

impl PlotBuilder2D {
    /// `new` reduces boilerplate by generating some basic defaults for the `PlotBuilder2D` struct.
    /// Once the struct is returned, it's easy enough to make adjustments.
    pub fn new() -> PlotBuilder2D {
        PlotBuilder2D {
            pvs: vec![],
            min_x: None,
            max_x: None,
            min_y: None,
            max_y: None,
            x_label: None,
            y_label: None,
            title: None,
            y_axis: true,
            y_gridlines: true,
            x_axis: true,
            x_gridlines: true,
            font_path: DEFAULT_FONT.to_string(),

    /// `add_simple_xy` adds an `PlotVals2D::XyColor` by taking the xy values
    pub fn add_simple_xy(&mut self, xy: Vec<(f64, f64)>) {
        self.pvs.push(PlotVals2D::XyColor([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], xy));

    /// `add_color_xy` is the same of `add_simple_xy`, but with the choice of a color
    pub fn add_color_xy(&mut self, xy: Vec<(f64, f64)>, color: [f32; 4]) {
        self.pvs.push(PlotVals2D::XyColor(color, xy));

    /// `add_fun_xy` adds a function (should not be used)
    pub fn add_fun_xy(&mut self, fun: PlotFn) {
        self.pvs.push(PlotVals2D::FunColor([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], fun));