Module datafusion::physical_expr

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re-export of datafusion_physical_expr crate






  • Attempts to refine column boundaries and compute a selectivity value.
  • PhysicalExpr evaluate DataFusion expressions such as A + 1, or CAST(c1 AS int).
  • Create vector of Physical Expression from a vector of logical expression
  • Checks whether the given physical expression slices are equal in the sense of bags (multi-sets), disregarding their orderings.
  • This function is similar to the contains method of Vec. It finds whether expr is among physical_exprs.
  • Checks whether the given physical expression slices are equal.
  • Reverses the ORDER BY expression, which is useful during equivalent window expression construction. For instance, ‘ORDER BY a ASC, NULLS LAST’ turns into ‘ORDER BY a DESC, NULLS FIRST’.
  • Assume the predicate is in the form of CNF, split the predicate to a Vec of PhysicalExprs.

Type Aliases§

  • LexOrdering is an alias for the type Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>, which represents a lexicographical ordering.
  • LexOrderingRef is an alias for the type &[PhysicalSortExpr], which represents a reference to a lexicographical ordering.
  • LexRequirement is an alias for the type Vec<PhysicalSortRequirement>, which represents a lexicographical ordering requirement.
  • LexRequirementRef is an alias for the type &[PhysicalSortRequirement], which represents a reference to a lexicographical ordering requirement.
  • Shared PhysicalExpr.